Weeditslife BanApeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Weeditslife BanApeal

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #55348 Score: 0

    In-game name (with right caps):WEEDITSLIFE
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.):AVOIDING BAN,So here it is,in those 2 years that I play eternal cracked I have been only once temp-ban for language or something like this.And 1 another time without reason and got unbanned.
    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.):Survival
    Who banned you:Bongo
    Why you should be unbanned:I didnt avoid any ban at all gentlemen.I always follow the rules and ask for mod’s advise or assistance when its something about rules.

    #55350 Score: 0


    You where on the same IP as a banned player please explain.

    #55351 Score: 0

    Sir do you even know where Ip applies?A little kid plays minecraft in the same building,my acc is premium also and never got perma ban explain sir why should I as weeditslife get banned.

    #55353 Score: 0


    I do yes, and the Ip you got is for your adress only not for your ‘whole building’. And to blame it on someone in your building doesnt seem legit.

    #55354 Score: 0

    So whats your logical explaination that I play from 2 personal computers for these 2 years,do illegal work and hack with the second one and avoiding bans?

    #55355 Score: 0


    Well tell me, im not the one with a hacker on my IP……

    #55356 Score: 0


    Tell bongo please.

    #55361 Score: 0


    You said you were tempbanned before and that is a lie. DONT LIE. Also if you were a hacker, you woild know ip is noy for 1 building. You said you have been playing for 2 years but I am confidant that i look up your towny records, that is also a lie since I have never seen you on.

    #55370 Score: 0

    I am playing in the internet cafee, too bad give me 1 proof that I am the hacker and I will abandon you and the server alone.

    Vsub: just do /p weeditslife and stop acting like Sherlock,head admin is here to solve this problem

    #55373 Score: 0


    Sometimes people at internet cafes get banned and then anyone else playing on that ip is accused of being a hacker..

    #55381 Score: 0


    So you are lying again, first he lived in the same building now its an internet cafe…..

    #55809 Score: 0

    well most of the time an internet cafee is in a building
    and i talked about playing what do you think do they do in the internet cafee

    #56303 Score: 0
    #56305 Score: 0



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