What do you think of me (melee49)?


Home Forums Prison Off Topic What do you think of me (melee49)?

This topic contains 44 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  xZero_Strike 9 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)
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  • #83851 Score: 0


    As usual I got bored when computer crashed for 19 hours, so i decided to browse the forums (rare event for me) and found out this is the common topic of all. Hence I decided to ask for honest opinions and rooms of improvements. Have fun :). (Bad emotions due to usage of phone, I am surprised that ec website supports phone visits)
    P.s. Omg what am I doing at 11pm? I should be going to sleep, i got Police Training tomorrow. (I am as busy as the president omg…)

    #83855 Score: 0


    IKR , Mr.President , hopefully you’re computer gets better 😀

    #83857 Score: 0


    That isnt what i am looking for…

    #83861 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Well, from what I’ve seen, you’re level-headed, you don’t get overly aggravated (again, from what I’ve seen)… You’re a pretty nice guy, but I don’t get on Prison often (kinda getting active on it lately :P), so I’m barely able to see how active you are/what you’re really like/what you’re like in terms of attitude/etc…
    Overall, I’d say you’re a 5/8

    #83869 Score: 0


    A nice guy, smooth sense of humour as well. VERY active on Prison and generally a sociable person. Had a bad habit of constantly yelling out ‘warn!’ even though other mods were there to deal with the situation. Seems like you’ve gotten rid of it however so keep it up!

    #83870 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Cool-headed, nice, generous {if he has necessary things to give} In general, pretty good chance of being a mod. 😛

    #83890 Score: 0


    Ooh thanks guys for the comments ‘depression kicks in again’

    #83892 Score: 0

    16 pts

    All mentioned above ^

    (Too lazy, and point already said)

    #83895 Score: 0


    Lol rogue, but a war is imminent.

    #83896 Score: 0


    Root of all problems

    #83961 Score: 0


    Still can you just stop… Lol i am never the root of any problem

    P.S. I am now in a mental hospital for mental checkup…

    #83962 Score: 0

    7 pts


    #83964 Score: 0


    … Why all very funny and lying to me lol?!?!?!

    #85428 Score: 0


    Bumping this. I need more replies and opinions.

    P.S. I will also make an identical topic on survival (this one is prison-based and the other survival-based)

    #85441 Score: 0


    Melee you are one of the best peope ive met on ec. You are helpful and good to others. I never saw you break any rule. I would rate you 10/10 in everything you also really active :))

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)

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