What exactly is fly pvp near pvpihlll???


Home Forums Survival General discussion What exactly is fly pvp near pvpihlll???

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Zevguns 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #44714 Score: 0


    -by Once_upon
    So i thought godproxy was flying near pvphill and i told him hey dont fly near there cause the sign said no flying near pvphill with armor. but den he said its not since hes not in pvp area. I got so confused. What exactly is flying near pvp hill??? is this considered?

    #44722 Score: 0


    If he’s on the opposite of the safe zone line and in the danger line. Then yea I think he is flying in PVP which is illegals. What he said makes no sense at all to me.

    #44725 Score: 0


    Cause there are so many versions of stories i get confused

    #44726 Score: 0


    Here is what an expert mod states the rules are:

    #44727 Score: 0


    See it says ther. As long as u arent wearing armor

    #44730 Score: 0

    1 pt

    1. Flying near pvp hill with armor or swords is not allowed. It makes us suspicious that you might fly pvp, and if you were spectating, you don’t need any armor nor swords.

    2. Flying in any other pvp area (wilderness) with armor is allowed, as long as you do not fly pvp.

    The reason we allow it in one place but not in another is because flying near pvp hill makes us suspicious, and if you have armor and swords then you are obviously going to try and pvp. If you are flying in the wild with armor and swords, you might be scouting the area or hunting mobs or something like that.

    In both cases pvping with flying is not allowed. And also, god proxy will be warned.

    #44731 Score: 0


    So confused @.@


    #44732 Score: 0


    Same here :/ I dont know what to do! THe red rule or the blue rule! o.o

    #44733 Score: 0


    and look roy im pretty much confused on the rules.Make it clearer so we can know what to do! -.-

    #44734 Score: 0

    1. You’re not allowed to pvp while flying.
    2. You’re allowed to fly in the wilderness, but you can’t pvp while flying
    3. You’re not allowed to get near to the hill, even in the safe area, while flying

    #44778 Score: 0


    Simply saying:
    If your name is on the left
    You can’t wear armor near pvp hill and can’t hit anyone at all while flying.

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