who do you look up to?


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This topic contains 33 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #56686 Score: 0


    Bongo,Born and Rogue_art.
    #JEEEEEB #JebYUDoDis? D: #IHateJeb (my favorite hashtags :D)

    #82258 Score: 0

    41 pts


    zevguns, reigorcacca, Amy, GrassFae & EpicnessFilms

    zevguns & reigorcacca both helped me out a lot when I began.
    Amy was a great Mayor/Friend (Back on megaSeth010), although I’d cause some issues between us. ._.
    GrassFae is just always so positive, which I’m sure makes everyone’s day brighter.
    EpicnessFilms for being just a great mod/comayor, and an even better friend. 😛

    Also xxTheLoneWolfxx, he’s been a great guy, even though I haven’t been the best of people to him. 😉

    #82260 Score: 0


    #82262 Score: 0



    Garn helped me achieved my dreams and taught me what I needed to know, He always helped me when I need help even when I caused trouble xD

    #82266 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Who is stux? ._.
    And invader_swift?
    And by the way, Skills641, Darknightz17 and garn. They have always helped me whenever I needed help.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  Ali.
    #82269 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Invader_Swift – old mod, pretty cool guy.
    stux – old player, well known/liked from my memory, pretty cool guy.

    #91041 Score: 0

    16 pts


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #91043 Score: 0

    I look up onto seldom221. He was one of the most important people in my n00b period.
    Thank you, seldom.

    #91047 Score: 0

    Rogue_Art – Smart as heck, but I think he’s autistic

    xZero_Strike – Helped me become a moderator, one of the most professional people I ever knew

    Pie_ – Gave me lots of advice about lots of stuff, really smart, and he makes some awesome Skype convos

    #91054 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’d have to say either Seven, Xavier, Rogue, or Dark. They all protect me from insults and invalid hack accusations, which I’m glad..

    #91428 Score: 0


    I look up to the ceiling.

    And myself.

    (Because you got to have confidence in yourself you know? ;D)

    #91430 Score: 0


    The person I always look up to is DarkKnightz17. Always been a great friend, he is helpful, nice to everyone and manages his time like crazy. I also do look to ZeeKingEpic, deasertman and Trolly ( aka Trollson ) 😛 . In the old days ( they are now the reason why I thought of being staff in EC ) vsub391, zevguns and skills641 were the people who I looked up to, especially vsub and zevguns who were just awesome :) .
    And I look up to many more… 😉

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  AgentLOLz_.
    #91437 Score: 0


    I look up to many people in EC, but those 3 people are just amazing, they are my Ec bros <3.

    MrInvis: I want to become like him :).. He is one of the best Mods and my brother in Ec <3. I’d look up to him and ask him for suggestions all the time : 7abibi <3

    xZero_Strike: Another brother of mine <3 I look up to him as well, he always takes his job seriorusly and is always a role model , and is always there next to me when I’m alone. He’s helpful a lot keep up the good work bro.

    RiverRunner600: You would be the great model :) .. Without you I wouldn’t of been here now :) … You are a true bro that helped me and supported me in the hardest situation. I would never do enough to thank you <3.. Stay great bro <33

    In over-all I’d love to thank them in all there help to me :) You are all the same to me :) Stay cool bros :)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Own7ge. Reason: Brothers for life
    #93709 Score: 0


    Jttt3, Fibi and Skills. <3

    #98454 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Such old topic xD
    I just had to do something.. :-:

    I look up too hmm..
    BornCorp ( aka Onwer/ was of this server )
    He’s a very nice guy he try’s his best to help this server and still is on this day <3

    DarkKnightz17, I look up to him as well. Because he also use to help me when I didn’t know half of the things in prison and etc.

    Agent, Because he’s a super! Nice guy and also wants to help if needed :)
    And he’s a potato :OOOOOOOOOO

    Zero, He’s one of my best friends in EC, and he always stand’s up for me when i’m down or sad or even need help on something.
    And he’s also friendly with me and all and loves his job as a mod and always gets the job done! It may take some time but hey! It got done 😉

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