who is this?


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Kevin77555 11 years ago.

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  • #59056 Score: 0


    I found a really nic server review on youtube for ec, I was wondering who the creator of the video is, I have no clue xD.

    #59058 Score: 0


    Yah that was on the website.. it would be intresting to see who that is xD

    #59066 Score: 0


    Dude, its Jeremy. He said it in the video. xD

    #59091 Score: 0



    #59105 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Well alot of people is called Jeremy..I ask him in the comments he said that ‘He is just a random dood who do server reviews everyweek’

    #59108 Score: 0


    No guys if you would have listened… someone from the server tweeted him to check it out. This guy is a very big server reviewer on Youtube. He doesn’t play the server. He however said he would if he was into joining servers right now. Do you guys not listen to the video at all? When I actually listen I REALLY listen. Not only that you didn’t find that video. It was on the EC Youtube Stream toward the bottom right side of the webpage. I watched it before you. (probably)

    But like I said he is a server reviewer on Youtube. If you would watch the video again toward the very end he says (so and so) has sent me a tweet on this server so I thought I’d check it out.

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