Why cant we place heads?


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  ddf02 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #49597 Score: 0


    I have bought some heads, and noticed you can’t place them. Why is that? I would like to display the heads i buy in my house so others can see my collection. Its not like there gonna get stolen. Also, why can we place heads in the wild; it makes absolutely no sense. Please post comments!

    #49598 Score: 0


    This has been asked before.
    Its to keep withers from being made.
    And before you say that other heads have a diffrent id they actually dont in the end.

    So for example:

    The normal head id is 397
    However, there is a : then a number after it. THAT is whats unsupported by the item blocker so they cant unblock specifec heads :/

    #49602 Score: 0

    7 pts


    if you want to display them,use Item Frames.

    #49607 Score: 0


    i really dont see whats rong with spawning withers.. i mean, u all say, it would wreck the town up, i think, plot perms would have to have mobs on and explosions on to damage anything, there for, they would have to spawn them in the wild, anyway, u guys say beacons would spread too fast? well, actually, it would cost like 100k just to get the heads, so, i just dont see why spawning a wither is so wrong.

    #49612 Score: 0


    I agree

    #49614 Score: 0


    Well then they would run rampent in the wild and destroy everything..

    #49623 Score: 0


    Well spawning withers.
    1st: Causes damage to the wild and if spawn near a town where explosions/mobs are toggle on. The town may be destroyed.
    2nd: Withers are spawned every 48 Hours.
    3rd: Beacons would be everywhere throughout towns which may cause massive lag.
    I’m not sure wether i’m correct but..Correct me if i’m wrong. I hope this has been helpful to you and answered your questions.

    #49627 Score: 0

    3 pts

    You’re not wrong ._.

    #49631 Score: 0


    I think u can place heads in /wild. I saaw some guy have 8 heads in his furnace house. Without itemframes

    #49830 Score: 0


    This makes absolutely no sense to me.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  ddf02.
    #49831 Score: 0


    i really dont see whats rong with spawning withers.. i mean, u all say, it would wreck the town up, i think, plot perms would have to have mobs on and explosions on to damage anything, there for, they would have to spawn them in the wild, anyway, u guys say beacons would spread too fast? well, actually, it would cost like 100k just to get the heads, so, i just dont see why spawning a wither is so wrong.

    I completly agree

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