Why I left EC


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  • #132763 Score: 0


    “Why I Left EternalCraft”

    =-=-=-=-BEFORE READING-=-=-=-
    This topic goes very in detail of my life, and is very long, only read if you are bored and have nothing to do :) .

    Hey guys, some people started to wonder about my absence in EC for about, 2 months. I understand I have missed a lot, in this text I will tell you all the reasons I did and had to leave EternalCraft, please forgive me, I am playing on EC daily on prison, and survival :)

    Reason 1: “Life”
    Now, I know this sounds like a really cheesy thing, “yeah, just life.”. The thing is, I lived In Las Vegas for the first 10 years of my life, when I started playing EC, I had just been adjusting to a whole new lifestyle, and I was kind of struggling with a lot of things, we
    Lived in California, but we didn’t have a house, we used to live in my dads business area, the 2nd floor in a small room. I had recently got a house when u started EC, and had just gotten a computer, (laptop). The reason I had to quit, I started getting home sick and wanting to move back to Vegas, I missed a lot of my friends. And just the normal things we would do over there. My dad now lives with us, he didn’t in Vegas, he is very hard, he doesn’t like people being on the computer at all, so I could barely go on EC anymore… He was extremely about his yard, all day he had me mowing it, watering it, planting things in it. And I really couldn’t go on EC, except for times when I would hide in the bathroom with my laptop to go on EC for like 3 minutes. So, I really couldn’t go on.

    Reason #2: “Sickness”
    First of all, no, nothing is wrong with me, it is my mother, she was diagnosed with A very bad sickness, (Cancer), and my whole family was very worried, she would be on much pain and even worse, they discovered it late, and the doctors at UCLA Said that she was too late and she was going to die. (This was about in 2014 she is fine now :) )
    My whole family was over whelmed by this news, we were all crying a lot, and many things were going on.

    Reason #3: “School”
    Ahh, School, the most used excuse for everything, but this time it’s different, it’s not “I have too many projects”, as I told you guys, I had just moved to California, and what i didn’t know, California’s schools are WAY different than Las Vegas! They’re a lot more free, in Vegas I don’t know, now that I look back, it feels like that “slave” feeling, being inside all day with no sunlight, we were outside about 5 minutes a day in Vegas, in California, there’s a lot of hallways and I needed help, I didn’t really fit in.

    I can go on, and on, and on, and on for so many paragraphs about all the things, but I feel like you’re getting bored now, I should stop here, anyways guys, I’m really sorry I was gone for a long time… I’ll be better! :)

    #132766 Score: 0


    Well its sad that those unfortunate issues happened to you. I wished I could help in some way.

    Whatever it is, stay strong. Hopefully you can play with us in the future, maybe EC, maybe some other servers.

    Good luck with your life.

    #132767 Score: 0

    12 pts

    No don’t stop I like reading this.

    Sunny. Your Life story is like mines. I just live in TN doe.

    #132769 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I moved to CA 1 year ago from China. Do not be discouraged, someone has the experience as you and he or she will have to get over the tough time as you; however, I believe you can get over this faster. Good luck.

    #132770 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Dragon, you might want to read the text again. 😉

    This kind of topic is my favorite, seeing why exactly people have left, what was happening, etc. Getting to know parts of the life of others can be a truly enlightening experience!
    I’m glad your mother is still here to support you, your dad doesn’t seem “cool” at all from your description, and as it happens too much here, a bad teenage hood (is that even how it’s spelled? #ZeroEnglishSkillsFtw) can only lead to difficulties of adaptation in the wide world later on and sometimes violence. What has changed so your dad lets you play again? :)
    Californian schools.. I have a cousin in Atlanta who’s in a large school like that. After what, 14 years there, he’s still not used to it. He phones me every now and then, and one of our regular subjects are the “secret labyrinths and staircases” he keeps discovering. 😛 Hope you don’t get the same problems as him, he barely knows where the toilets are. :3

    Finally, of course, the server welcomes you anytime you come. :) Eh that’s true, the “Welcome to [server]” message when you log in.. K I shattap :C

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #132779 Score: 0


    Welcome back! Hope you have a better life sooner or later.

    #132788 Score: 0


    Well, DiceDead, I still can’t play as much, I just sneak play while my dad is at work :(

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