Why is there only limited of 64 Players in EC


Home Forums Survival General discussion Why is there only limited of 64 Players in EC

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  TheBigCrocodile 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #15014 Score: 0


    Before I continue this post remember I am a curious guy xDD

    Just a short question , me and my friend are skyping and was wondering why there only 64 limited players to join the server , So can anyone pls answer that question tnx!


    #15022 Score: 0


    I can answer that.

    First of all you mean slots and servers don’t just magically pop up from no-where nevertheless have unlimited speed. Your computer has memory which is called RAM. This is what runs things basically. Server uses memory too, our server has 4gb of RAM (I think) with many plugins. 64 slots is perfect to our server specs and can hold that many people without crashing or lagging. So overall, we have 64 slots because that is what this server can handle before having problems with memory. I hope I answered your very good question.

    -Mod Toblerone007

    #15030 Score: 0


    Exactly. if we want more slots to join, the server would need more  RAM dedicated to it.

    #15138 Score: 0


    Oh thanks guy =DD

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