Why ppl got to be so mean to me :(~ report?


Home Forums Prison Reports Why ppl got to be so mean to me :(~ report?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87383 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Why do ppl really got to be mean at me for nothing :(
    It really makes me super sad to think that ppl hate me :(
    I don’t know if this is a report or not but im not sure :/

    P.s can you tell DuhMajesticMist to stop calling me and leonard901 a hacker because, I never hacked on EC. And it makes me sad to think that this guy really thinks that I hack so can you tell him to stop :(

    #87384 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah, our hacker policy on EC is: No proof, no punishment. Actually, this applies to all accusations, wow, we should tell him that.

    #87385 Score: 0


    Tavon i will stop calling you hackers the day you turn off you’re hacks , Leonard shared screen and i saw hot keys , I asked him if he uses hack.. He responds
    “heheh” Then he shares again and i see nodus , I tried to record but it takes about 2 mins for my recording software to come up , And i didnt capture anything but i do have the text. So better stop hacking as you know you do , Both of you use the Both pc’s in you’re house. And im not being mean. Im warning you to take them off.

    #87387 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Mist@ i’ll NEVER! use hacks on EC never ever ever! will! I’m not that kinda of guy who will ever!!! use hacks so you can stop it with that. You just got mad because I won two times in OITC in Mg.

    #87388 Score: 0


    @Tavon Yeah mhm , It wasnt because of minigames. I wanted you to share screen so i can see leo’s screen. He killed me in under 3 hits. And i knew you both hacked bc i saw ” Nodus 1.7.5 ” and also those little hot keys , So you and leonard use both computers , that means if they are there , i know that you use them to.

    P.S , It’s not ” Mist@ ” , It’s @(Name) Get you’re facts straight.

    #87390 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Bruh I’m not trying to get mad but you are starting to make me mad…..
    I told you befor leonard901 DIDN’T let me get on the PC. And if you really think that I ” hack ” I’ll show ALL the MODS in prison! my .MC and give them 100% PROOF that I don’t hack.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by  2Federal.
    #87392 Score: 0

    20 pts

    “No proof, no punishment” -Ander’s motto. Mist, stop accusing people of hacks with no proof.

    #87397 Score: 0


    Alright guys, please stop the arguments to prevent further conflicts.
    So.. Mist, if you haven’t get a proof, then don’t keep accusing and threatening him in game, it can count as harrashing and can bring further conflicts. You can talk to him personally with skype and you can try to get the proofs, then report it.
    And for tavon, if you really don’t use the hack, then don’t worry about it, you can just /ignore him in game. Haters gonna hate, almost all people have at least a hater, not just you. I will close this topic for now.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by  FuriousKnight.
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