will hulk be unmuted :'(


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal will hulk be unmuted :'(


This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  vsub391 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #64893 Score: 0


    can hulkachanbe unmuted please ,i will only talk in towny because i need help with the farm im making and its hard to whisper because i have use tools and stand of high areas, can you unmute the hulk please, i dont talk to anyone other than towny for farming please :'(

    #64895 Score: 0


    Hulk then let me ask you a question first. Why weren’t you respectful in chat? Why were you always being offensive with the way you were talking and how you acted not just to members but to the moderating team. You’ve had numerous offenses because of this and you are now asking for another chance after so many times you’ve screwed up and been warned?

    I’d say you wouldn’t get the chance Hulk. You’ve had way too many offenses and you’ve been way too rude to others. Its your fault this is the case. If you were smarter in how you acted before hand, this wouldn’t have happened.

    #64901 Score: 0


    i was angry because that luminace and fedfed where tricking me and i was angry they got anyway with stuff ,and then i made jokes and stuff

    #64904 Score: 0


    Well let me say this hulk, if you were smart enough to just get the proof first and then show it to a moderator then you wouldn’t be in this fix. On top of that, is it those two users’ faults that you were disrespectful towards staff members? Finally, jokes are one thing, however you were being disrespectful with them.

    #64906 Score: 0


    i understand v_v ,hulk take full responsibility for what happened and you have my word i will ensure hulk does not do it again.

    #64914 Score: 0


    There is no way you are being unmuted. You were already let off with your ban and the mute is a punishment you must keep. You threatened players in chat, swore, and spammed, been racist, and insulted others. When I asked you to stop spamming chat you didn’t listen to me and continued. I tried to resolve this issue but you decided it would be smarter to spam chat instead of actually resolving the issue at hand. I asked you if you had proof and you ignored me and continued your pointless ranting.

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