Will someone ban angeloking321 already


Home Forums Survival General discussion Will someone ban angeloking321 already

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 12 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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  • #11580 Score: 0


    Hes saying to everyone F**k You because we refuse to give him diamonds. BAN HIM PLEASE. my proof is everybody on the server including minecraft roy, bender, mi_amore_cadenza and eimisk. ASK THEM JUST GET HIM OUT PLEASE

    #11584 Score: 0

    23 pts


    #11585 Score: 0


    Thankyou born you are a legend

    #11607 Score: 0


    he stole armour from me


    #11832 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Angeloking321 was my friend he first came on the server saying he just started and I was genorus of course and helped him gave him armor for free and he would always come back after he would die asking me for more i like helping this server and people so I did give him that I eventually ran out and told him no he would always try to kill me but I’m covered in diamond and iron armor with a God sword with additional fire aspect two and I would kill him he would try to get along and out of nowhere try to kill me at first I didn’t know about him but now where I figured out where he gets his stuff he’s not my friend anymore

    #11834 Score: 0


    Good. And Btw Everyone He Is Back On The Server As SmileySupp Even Though His Normal Account Isnt Banned. He Started To Do The Give Me Diamonds Thing Again but I Think He Got Bored Quickly

    #11838 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Pigswillfly tell him joeys not he’s friend anymore

    #11842 Score: 0


    im not talking to that guy. i want him dead in real life and mc XD

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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