witcher's ban appeal pls


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal witcher's ban appeal pls

This topic contains 21 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #130034 Score: 0

    In-game name (with right caps): witcher
    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.): idk is that wrong? i just see a builder was not in a town so i just express friendly and added him and he just built a tower to kill mobs, that’s it. A very ordinary small building just with cobble stones and letting mobs born in it because of darkness and fell down to drop to only 1 heart left and letting residents to kill it, it is that simple. Omg very one can build it with hand even without flying and that’s it, no other things. And i even didnt tell him to do so. And the building was delete by someone later, it is not in use now ok.

    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.): survival
    Who banned you:idk
    Why you should be unbanned:well it said that i was banned for 2 day, i thought, fine, i learn a lesson next time dont talk to builders and moderators im just so afraid of this sort of thing this time omg. But now after this 2 days, why i am still banned? please unban me? thank you so much!

    #130036 Score: 0

    i mean, he just kind ok, he saw no money farm in my town to residents and he said he was free and thank me to being friendly to people maybe because i greatings to people. and he loves building things so he just build this kind of simple thing. and that even cant bring anybody any significant benefit because the that is not efficient to born mobs, yea everyone here have playing mc for years, this point we every can understand, it is just i think we can treat it as a decoration, who will go there to wait mobs, right? even we can go /town xp to get quicker money right?!

    #130037 Score: 0


    It hasnt passed 2 days yet,but once it does and you still cant join reply back here.

    #130038 Score: 0

    hey river. yea it passed two days, i was banned two days ago right 6pm and now it is 6pm. thank you.

    #130039 Score: 0

    in this 2 days it said i banned 2 day and show the left time to unban. and when it reached 0, it dont show the left, now it only shows that im banned by operator? D: please help me check it pls thanks

    #130052 Score: 0

    hello anyone help this pls?

    #130108 Score: 0

    hey guys please help me with this. im still in the condition of banning. thank you very much

    #130111 Score: 0

    1 pt

    The ban has glitched. Please do not spam and wait for a Survival moderator to solve this issue please, thank you.

    #130113 Score: 0

    thank you

    #130119 Score: 0


    Use an alt until we fix it.

    #130127 Score: 0

    ok. i just hope it could be fix before the weekend. thank you very much!

    #130130 Score: 0

    20 pts

    To be fair; Moderators have lives, and we can’t fix everything immediately. Also, it is your fault, not the mods’, that you got banned. I don’t think waiting another 24 hours to get unbanned is such a big deal.

    Again, please be patient.

    Have a good day! :)

    #130262 Score: 0

    excuse me for querying here again, but im just hurrying to get in to deal with things. yea and as you can see from the very beginning, it was not really my fault, but ok my fault, but i deserve 2 day ban punish not nearly 1 week. thanks

    #130541 Score: 0

    any op or admin or mod help me pls!!!

    #130545 Score: 0

    omg i suddenlly know what the problem will be. could any mod try me with ‘witcher’ not capital letter ‘Witcher’ pls?
    (and in fact my account is witcher not Witcher, my ‘Witcher’ in game is just a nickname not real account name)
    coz i tried ‘Witcher’ and i can login. but i cant do anything in my town i think maybe they are actually different accounts to mc. So could you try it again pls! it could be the problem where it is. and sry for asking here to many times i just feel hurry and ik everybody could understand my feeling, we are just mc and ec lovers. Thanks so much! 😀 😀

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