Wobbasafy abusing donor perk's


Home Forums Survival General discussion Wobbasafy abusing donor perk's

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  zac9797 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #9500 Score: 0


    Ok i was selling pro4 to chebaroo then cheb didnt like the armour cause its abit used so wob started attacking me in no pvp zone i was in my house at eldysia which has pvp off he was setting me on fire i can show the pics but its just me running away burning then wob said to me like dont mess with my bro refering to cheb or something like that to me he used /vanish so i couldnt see him and he started attacking me mod’s please take action’s to he using the fire aspect glitch and it did killed me -lagendary123

    #9501 Score: 0


    mods please help.

    #9502 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Well so you got the prove just running away, but it cant really make sure the mod to ban or not. So, you need to ask someone around you who knows and would be a support for this lure, or whatever.


    #9504 Score: 0


    Don’t do this glitch or you face the consequences


    #9505 Score: 0


    This 1.4.4 bukkit glitch causes players to get a short fire effect which damages them . I was involved in an incident whereas I was the victim and soon ended up in jail having mistaken as  one of those who misused that glitch . The head mod told me that he sent in a request to have that bug fixed . should you seen them report to a mod and use /home to escape illegal kills in safe zone . this happens in tha spawn , the End and in towns . Swords with fire aspect affects everyone . Splash potions of any kind does no effect to anyone in safe zone either good or bad . In the mean while , do not go AFK just logout when I you wish to take a break.

    – stormfrenzy

    #9510 Score: 0


    We Are Aware Of this, thank You For Reporting!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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