Wow member blank has made a bad move


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  theroyalnickster111 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #16102 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    I was looking through the forums and i see blank cursing at nhu to battle. First off nhu is a guardian mod second off your lucky you didn’t get ban idk if you did third nhu could do /kill or vanish and second nhu would be creative. So as you can see blank really tried to go against nhu which is never going to work considering nhu is a moderator and obviously has no chance no offense to anyone though. Clearly blank tried to insult nhu but ended up insulting himself lol XD. Just saying and for you who do not know my in game name is jminer96 in try to tell people that I’m joey but you guys don’t get it XD so I’m still the same joey same person different username. Also check out my mod application tell me if I did good.

    #16107 Score: 0


    1. Mods do not pvp

    2. Mods also do not have access to commands as /kill nor creative we are members just like you, we just moderate the server to make it a fair playing environment

    #16130 Score: 0


    really i thought gaurdian and up had creative well cool :p

    #16131 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I have to disagree zac, I have seen shaman’s black magic, I know you head mods and owner has them, but you don’t use them, it is just available

    #16135 Score: 0


    lol skills

    #16225 Score: 0


    Well these “powers” are only used for good, people who are using it for their benefits will be shunned upon.

    #17110 Score: 0


    Also, Nhu would woop BenBolt’s ASS.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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