Wtff is wrong with Zslayer


Home Forums Survival General discussion Wtff is wrong with Zslayer

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bleh 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #61529 Score: 0


    wow this is the guy who have no life and try to lie mods didnt read so here\

    #61530 Score: 0


    And i got muted 20mins and it doesnt mean anything !!!! wow for saying zafir hisap kote gunsmoke ….. Zslayer a irrelevant looser

    #61531 Score: 0


    #61534 Score: 0


    Ok Mongus, the screens you took show zslayer saying that YOU said that. I was around at that time and saw that you had said something to brian in another language. He seems to just be translating it. Also, you did not get muted just by saying ‘irrelevant loser’. I warned you for that, and then when you continued i warned you verbally. it wasn’t until you spammed zslayer with disrespect and he reported it to me that i muted you temporarily.

    #61535 Score: 0


    the fact he lieng is the problem now so tell me

    #61539 Score: 0


    I have seen you write ‘zafir hisap kote gunsm’ verious times to both zslayer and ‘brian’, so could you please tell me what it means? Also, just because he was lying does not mean you should start disrespecting him. Two wrongs don’t make a right

    #61613 Score: 0


    So after a bit of research i found out roughly what you were saying:

    -‘zafir’ isn’t a translation for seomthing, its a person’s name
    – ‘hisap kote’ does mean that meaning that he was saying it meant
    – not sure what gunsm means but i’m presuming its also a name
    – Put It together and what do you get?

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