Wuman's Ban Appeal for Admitting to X-Ray


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Wuman's Ban Appeal for Admitting to X-Ray

This topic contains 23 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #8058 Score: 0


    Yes. To get straight to the point. I have pleaded guilty to X-Ray. Shaman has banned me, who has also said had two screenshots of me admitting that.

    In these screenshots, (if Shaman is willingly to show) the evidence and accusation leading to a temporary twenty-four hour ban is absurd.

    Based on the evidence that Shaman has, which includes me mining several EMERALDS in less than a period of 1 minute seem possible for X-Ray? As you all know, emeralds do not come in veins, only diamonds. Emeralds only come in one block at a time.  And since emeralds and diamonds are similar, they both give an estimate 10 exp per block mined. These screenshots show that I was gaining enormous amounts of exp in short intervals.

    This leads to a single question. How is it possible to mine several emeralds at once? Even with X-Ray, the player would need to mine through stone, creating paths deep underground in order to reach the next precious ore. One would have to think differently. In this case, is it possible for the player to mine using a Silk Touch Pickaxe? Allowing them to gather as much ores as possible without a public message? Then, what if the player were to place all these emerald ores in a single area and mined it all at once? This seems quite possible.

    Although I have admitted to saying that ‘I was X-Raying,’ if the given screenshots are viewed, it is impossible to prove that I was actually X-Raying.

    Shaman, you say that “admitting = pleading guilty”, which I agree entirely, but evidence, which is by all means, the truth and absolute truth, would of course supersede one’s speech? Is this agreeable? If this were a court room, would the judge believe a man’s word more than the evidence that shows otherwise?

    Now, if Shaman does not wish to show the evidence of me pleading guilty and myself mining several emeralds, then it would be obvious that there is no evidence for this ban to even stand on its own unless Shaman were to give another reason without those two screenshots of evidence, then I would like to hear it.

    Staff, Moderators, and all other players, please understand that using one’s knowledge and deduction based on true and undeniable evidence, that this temporary ban is illogical and should be removed.

    – Sincerely


    • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  Wuman.
    #8064 Score: 0

    23 pts

    The EternalCracked Constitution
    Section 10 – CONFESSIONS

    (a) A player that allegedly confessed cheating is considered a cheater.
    (b) Cheaters under this section should be punished with up to 5 days of temporary ban.
    (c) HeadModerators reserve the right to extend the penalty up to 70 years depending on the severity of the offense.

    #8065 Score: 0


    I respect your rationality and reasoning to this, which provides a side of this I previously did not think about. This one is a 24h ban, and you will be automatically unbanned when your time is up. The next time that this might happen, it would be a permanent ban.

    Moderators are able to watch x-rayers as they mine for these ores, and it is not solely based on the notification that you see in global chat. We also have quite a few other references that can lead us to the conclusion that someone is x-raying, although not those references alone.


    If you have any further issues, feel free.

    – Chibichuba

    #8067 Score: 0


    Hey Wuman, let’s get straight to the point. I’ll answer that one particular question. How many people in EternalCracked uses a silk touch pickaxe to mine emerald ore, and then to break it when you reach your house, just to get emerald? Well, that is unless you are selling those emerald ores.

    You may state all these, that you used a silk touch pickaxe to get emerald ores, and then break it in one place, but if Shaman already have evidence that you were X-raying, all your arguments is invalid. Think about it, moderators ARE NOT dumb. Even if you bought emerald ores to get emerald, why? For experience? Mine coal! Anyone newcomers would know that. You could have just gotten the emerald itself. Also, if you broke it with silktouch, how can you get so much ores with silktouch? Don’t tell me that you “stored” all the emerald ores just to break it.

    All these just lead to one straightfoward answer: You Were X-raying. 

    Just admit it, and also, just recieve your punishment. Wrong is wrong, period. For me, i’ll give this appeal a down. The decision is all left to Shaman or the rest of the mods. It’s only a 24h ban.

    Thank you.

    – HurricaneGZ


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  HurricaneGZ.
    #8105 Score: 0



    If there were such a constitution, with so many articles and sections, why isn’t it placed in the rules section? Currently I do not see such a rule stated in this tab. Something so important should be seen clearly, otherwise many people would not figure it out.


    The problem is that Shaman DID NOT watch me mine. He immediately banned me as soon as he saw the global chat filled with “Wuman has mined EMERALD and gained 80+ Experience!” which is approximately after 1 or 2 minutes! If he did, he would see that I was not X-Raying.


    You are completely wrong. Shaman has screenshot evidence of me ADMITTING to X-Ray, not X-Raying itself. And you may think that it is ridiculous for someone to store all those emerald ores to mine later, but it is true, I have done so. I have mined all my emerald ores with Silk Touch Pickaxes because there is no use in having emeralds as I get my emerald supply from somewhere else. Also there is actual proof of that right now on top of my building, there are traces of my emerald ores waiting to be mined. I never once believed a moderator is DUMB, I completely respect their authority and their willingness to help the endlessly amount of players.

    I do not care about the 24-hour ban, what I care about is the inability to use reasoning and hard cold evidence that supports Shaman for banning me. Moderators do not ban on a whim, they should have good substantial proof to ban. For all future bans, I hope this does not happen to an innocent player.

    -With all due respect


    #8106 Score: 0

    7 pts

    You can’t see when Headmods are looking at you while you’re mining thats how it works wuman.

    #8120 Score: 0



    I am well aware of moderators being able to /vanish and teleporting to players, in this case where I was mining, which is on top of the roof of my building of approximately Y=75 coordinate, being impossible for for emeralds to even naturally occur. This concludes that Shaman has banned me for ‘Admitting to X-Ray,’ which is not even seen explicitly on the given rules tab.



    #8122 Score: 0


    Wuman, I did ban you for admitting to x-ray. As you quoted me above, ‘admitting = pleading guilty’ which you wrote right after writing that, “which I agree entirely.” So I am presuming you agree with me that we can infer that you x-rayed. If you did not x-ray, (as you state above), then why did you admit to it? Why would you lie about such a thing when you know the consequences? This matter is not a joke and the security of the server should not be taken so.

    As you requested, here are the pictures:






    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  shaman97.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  shaman97.
    #8125 Score: 0



    But, inferring that without proof of actually X-Raying is displeasing. You’ve taken for word that my statements were true even without looking into it. If I were to say “That person is X-Raying, he is ruining the server,” then you’d immediately ban him as well? Then no one would even be able to mine!  You’ve completely ignored the other factors of evidence given. Bringing up only what I have said and only inferring to that is not what people should do. Bring in all the evidence together and use that.

    And I’ve admitted to X-Raying because I can say whatever I please that is not against the rules.

    Rule 4. No Custom Clients, Advantaging Mods, Cheats, or Bug Abuse.

    This does not state you cannot “say” that you are doing such a thing. No implications of it whatsoever.

    The only rule I see that fits for punishment is 5. No Tricking or Luring Players. And as for that, a ban is not necessary.

    If this as serious as you say it is, rewrite the rules, state clearly that anything against the security of the server.

    #8127 Score: 0


    I do not need to ‘look into’ the validity of your admittance. If you admitted something of your own doing, then I would assume you did it, why else would you admit it?  “If I were to say “That person is X-Raying, he is ruining the server,” then you’d immediately ban him as well?” No I would not because I would not take your word over someone else without proof or evidence. However, I trust that your word about yourself would be true, because there is no logical reason as to why you would. “And I’ve admitted to X-Raying because I can say whatever I please that is not against the rules.” Well you might want to take better care of your choice of words in the future. Think before you say things and what the consequences would be of doing so. ~Shaman

    #8129 Score: 0


    Trusting my word over someone else? Why should you take my word over myself only? Lying about one’s self is entirely possible and reasonable as for the person’s personality to do such a thing. Never trust anyone.

    So the consequences of saying ‘I am X-Raying’ results in a 24 hour ban without hesitation. No looking into evidence, nothing. How logical. How fair that is. Sounds like how I have asked before, ‘Ban me for ten minutes’ and yet all moderators refused to, “it is only for the bad players” as I have heard from one moderator. Speech is completely contained in the hands of the moderators. Unbelievable.

    I still request a more explicit rule on stating this for future players.


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  Wuman.
    #8131 Score: 0


    I believe most players have the common sense not to say ‘I have x-ray’ and to expect something will happen due to that statement. Saying ‘I have x-ray’ is another way of saying ‘I want a 24 hour ban’. And since x-ray is against the rules, a moderator would have the right to ban such a person. If you believe saying in global chat ‘I have x-ray’ and that nothing will happen to you and everything will continue on as if that sentence was never said, then I suggest you go out and see the world.

    #8136 Score: 0


    I do recall that a player has done so before I have, I believe it was imnewwth2? Who has said this in public chat before, and you, Shaman, have seen this. Yet you did not take any action on that player. I was the only one punished for such a thing. Will future players be punished for such a thing would happen? Will there be warnings for that? People’s personalities are quite interesting. You don’t know what they can do or say.

    I still request something for players to read and understand more clearly.

    #8137 Score: 0


    This is not rocket science. If something is against the rules, and you admit to doing something against the rules, then punishment will be placed. “I do recall that a player has done so before I have, I believe it was imnewwth2? Who has said this in public chat before, and you, Shaman, have seen this.” I am sorry, but I do not recall this event. I am sorry if you feel as if you are the only one being punished for x-ray (even though this section is full of x-ray appeals) but us moderators, as I am sure you know, are not perfect. Sometimes things may slip under our noses and we may not notice it. An example of this is, someone used caps in chat and a moderator did not warn him because he was helping someone with a problem and did not notice it, however, when he was finished, another person used caps and the moderator warned him because he noticed it. So that person may, as you have, claim that he is being punished while someone else who did that same thing, was not. I am sorry, but I reiterate, Moderators are not perfect , and anyone doing or admitting illegal activities will be punished according to the law.

    #8140 Score: 0


    this is soooo intresting……DRAMA QUEEN……D_D


    i love nachos

    good luck wumen

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