x_denx_x ban sppeal -_-


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal x_denx_x ban sppeal -_-

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #104447 Score: 0


    are you serious? again?
    IGN : x_denx_x
    where i was banned : minigames
    who banned me : waveware
    reason : head twitching or hack client? idk

    i was like playing on minigames, i was kinda lagging i could barely play. so i was like fighting with waveware on KitPvP. i get a lag spike.. i keep hitting wave and when the lag spike was gone i killed waveware.. after the lag spike was gone everybody started moving again and wave said
    WaveWare : I saw your head twitching
    x_denx_x : Who?
    WaveWare : Bye Bye
    Then i get banned for hack client? o_o

    #104448 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I was the out about your hacks. You seemed to not die even doe I hitted you more then you did to me. Then a few mnis later you started to shot like 5 times at someone so fraking fast. Then thats when I called Wave, out. I msg him told him about you. And he said Okay i’ll keep an eye on him. So we are really just waiting for the right time. Then when Wave, seen it boom banned.
    Becuase It’s not lag ofc. If it was then why are you still playing?

    #104449 Score: 0


    i said i could barely play + i was bored. and i dont know about the hit 5 times thingy i hit you so fast because i had thorns while you hit me you get hurt from thorns and from my sword also there was another guy hitting you called peguino or something. e.e

    #104467 Score: 0

    1 pt

    This is faction section not minigames

    #109018 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Wrong Section. Topic closed

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