x_denx_x's Mod Application


Home Forums Minigames Minigames Mod Applications [Closed] x_denx_x's Mod Application

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #105747 Score: 0


    Dear Staff & Members.

    Hello, I came here Just to made a Mod Application, and it’s something Really big to me. I’ve been Looking at alot of people Looking for Mods and Help, But i Do not see alot of active Ones in Minigames. i have been in ec for 2 Years now, When i Started. I Started playing Factions and i was Introduced to this server by my friend Mubar_ak47, She told me it was the best server Ever, couldnt find any other that is Better. I Joined mubar_ak47’s Faction, “FaZe”. Now i wasn’t that active when i was in the Faction, But I STill played minecraft, I was A Noob at that time. Mubar_Ak47 Gave me some Armor, and an Enchanted Snowbow, that was really Great to me Because. i was just a starter and i didnt know if it was a Good item or a Bad one. Mubar_ak47 Kept training me on Huge waves of Mobs. Everyday She spawns more and More mobs. It was the reason why i was inactive in EternalCracked. By the time i came back. I killed Alot of People and got a Loads of Loot. I never Realized how Strong i became, I kept killing lots and lots and lots of people until they started calling me Hacker, After that by maybe 4 days. Mubar_ak47 got Banned. we Were all Really Really Sad But we had to accept it, It’s the Rules. By then i kept playing with my other friend, I Don’t remember his name in EternalCrackedbut im 100% Sure it Ended with 22. So By then, He said he got banned Too. And i was the Only One left. One day i found Alot of Hackers in EternalCracked and They Just kept killing me, I got really mad and Downloaded hacks, I kept using hacks until the day I Got banned in MiniGames. I Got really jealous of those Hackers. By then I stopped using hacks, I Downloaded a Recording Software called Fraps that BeastADragon Told me about, It was Great. I thought i may actually Get hackers with it. But i didn’t. By then. FaZe was all Inactive and i was the only one who remained active in FaZe, I was asked To join Mubar_ak47’s Best friend Faction, 88green1, Owner of FuryRivals. I really Liked it and i Helped alot. by then I Became a Really rich Person in factions because of that Fact. I Started PvPing alot to gain loot For the Faction. A Couple of Months later, we Get raided by Chinoe&SquirtleTriesMC. I Became Mad because i had Stuff in there worth 1 Million+ and are Really rare to find. so i left the faction. and i Created a faction called “Revenge”, i wanted to Take Revenge of Furyrivals for not keeping it Safe. But then. 88green1 made a Deal with’em. and they Didnt raid them, So i Calmed down. But i still wanted to continue in my Faction, Because some people in FuryRivals, Did not Follow the rules. They stole stuff from my Chest. So then i started getting Alot of alts to get Gear, Golden apples and obsidian. I Built the first layer myself, the second Layer. BeastADragon Helped me Build it. it was all good. I Heard that factions was going to update to 1.8, and i was Really sad. After it started updating, i Started going On Minigames and other Non-Premium Servers.I Realize that. There Are alot of hackers in Minigames, Hm? so i Decided to Become a Mod, Because No Offense every Time i call a mod to check out a hacker, They’re Busy or Just cant see that they are hacking and its so clear. I’ve been in EternalCracked for 2 Years, and I have Experience with Catching Hackers, and Designing. What i learnt From this server, Has Changed me in Real life. and Even made me a Better Person.
    Thank you For Noticing this Application! – x_denx_x

    Have a Good Day! 😀 <3

    #105748 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Didnt follow mos template

    #105749 Score: 0

    12 pts


    Vote Down.
    -Inactive on the forums
    -Just got banned in MG
    -Didn’t follow the Mod App Temp. Knowing that you made this you should know already.
    -Gets to be rude time to time.
    -Don’t see you around much.

    #105757 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote down

    Negatives: Hello mubar (Rogue himself said you’re mubar)

    Positives: Why did I even waste 2 seconds typing “positives” .-. (Not being rude)

    #105763 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Vote down:
    -Over 50% of this mod app was you explaining your story of Factions, and your friend mubar. This is for mini-games so I wanna know what you know about Minigames instead of factions.
    – You didn’t follow the template. Follow the link Tav gave you to see what it looks like. “I came here just to make a mod app…” Shows that you aren’t active on the forums.
    + I don’t know, sorry.

    #105779 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Banned in all servers for bypassing/allowing a bypasser to enter. Oh, and why are you putting faction stuff in a minigames mod app?

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