Xavier Being a Racist


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Garnachos 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #53419 Score: 0


    Ok. First thing i want to say, Xavier is really disrespectful to people with other nationalities. As some mods may have seen, He had a surname as ‘USA Sucks’

    I really don’t like that. And yesterday, (31/12/13) We were talking about different nationalities. Then suddenly, He was like “USA SUCKS”.

    So for ex, If i talk about my nationality in real life while he’s online, He will insult me for sure.


    • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Spy. Reason: Proper spaces
    #53421 Score: 0


    Honestly mizo i wasnt talking about any other countries but the US. Thats just an opinion. Im not saying anyone who lives their “sucks”. Its not the people who screw up a country you know -_-. Also, i dont care about someones skin color or “race”. And another thing, i havent had that surname in a long time.

    #53423 Score: 0


    That isn’t racism Mizo. Racism is saying something like “all people from America are fat”. Also, xav is probably the last person to make fun of someone for their nationality. For example, he gets offended when people make jokes about AID’s or Cancer.

    #53426 Score: 0


    I really don’t think that it matters if he was racist or not. I honestly don’t find him racist which is my opinion. Now if someone else does Simply /ignore him or leave the server. And as Vsub said he does get offended, and probably was being sarcastic.

    #53428 Score: 0


    He insulted a country, not its residents. Xav is only going to have to deal with nationalists.

    #53430 Score: 0


    I will talk with him as soon as I get on, insulting a country is just as bad as insulting a race. Even though its an opinion it can still be taken in an offensive matter.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Garnachos.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Garnachos.
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