Xbox one v Ps4


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This topic contains 14 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  ChillzKillz99 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #100467 Score: 0


    So I am considering upgrading to either the ps4 or xbox one, I’m just not sure which one i should get.
    So yea as the title says i want your guys opinion or experience with these 2 consoles. If you own one of these consoles comment on your experience with it.


    #100471 Score: 0


    I’vs own a PS4 but i think its your choice.Both consoles are good,really.

    #100472 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Xbox and ps4 aka Microsoft and Sony are almost the same consoles, but I chose Sony because Sony has really great stuff including live streaming straight from the ps4 instead of needing a hookup of a certain device to record gameplay

    #100474 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Ya i bought a play station in the first place over xbox because of mlb the show xD (best baseball video game) but really both systems are the same. I like ps4 but I’ve never played an xbox one so I can’t say it’s bad. If you get a ps4 mail me in game weel have to play :)

    #100479 Score: 0


    Wii U is the best hands down

    #100480 Score: 0

    3 pts

    If you’re not lazy and want to play sports games, get the Xbox, there’s that front cam that lets you do a lot of things.

    If you want to socialize with people, get a PS4. I have a PS3, and it has the Playstation Home thingy on. Plus on PS4 it seems like you can invite your friends to join a game even if they don’t have it? Sick :O Also you get the Playstation Move thingy, it’s like Wii.

    For action/racing/etc. gaming, both consoles are really great, but I prefer the PS4. I haven’t seen the Xbox One yet (only the 360), but I don’t think it’s as fluid and bugs-free as the PS4. (for the games, they’re pretty much the same in the two right?)

    Hope I’ve helped :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #100487 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Pffft, I’m sticking with the PS3 I have, screw getting a new-gen console.

    #100488 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Ikr (How did I screw that spelling up)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  JuhJuhDuck.
    #100517 Score: 0


    So i’m the only one here not having a console .___.

    #100716 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Does my 6 year old Wii count? 😮

    #100790 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Anyways probably get xBox one 😛 I heard good things about it (Note I do not own an xBox :( )

    #100792 Score: 0


    Yeah im thinking xbox one, i reckon ps4 is slightly a better console. Though there are better games on xbox one. Thanks for your opinions though everyone :)

    #101166 Score: 0


    PS4 it’s more of a gaming console than xbox one. Xbox one for entertainment purposes. And gta 5 next gen looks better on ps4

    #101170 Score: 0


    Bought them tried both but ps4 is better

    #103897 Score: 0


    Sorry for digging this old topic but I have to state my opinion 😛
    Just buy a really good gaming PC. Run all your favorite games like I do. I never had a console, but my PC is really good (can run cod advanced warfare). If you want a really good one, it will costcost you from 600$ to 1k$ but it will be worth it. Check this out for more info:

    Screw consoles I want fries

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