xMattyDx Ban Appeal (Please Read)


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal xMattyDx Ban Appeal (Please Read)

This topic contains 55 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #20602 Score: 0


    Hello there,


    First of all i want to say that it’s stupid to vote someone down because ”You dont like him/her. Thats personal and has nothing to do with his ban.


    Second is that i think he should deserve a chance and be unbanned. This ofcourse with the rule stuck to it that 1 move wrong is a new perm ban.

    It started as a joke by him, but as we know someone else finished the job. Matty is overall a good guy and never really did something that bad that it deserves a perm ban.


    Atleast this is my thought about it.


    Greetz Bongo,


    #20745 Score: 0

    TheDayWalker On Mc

    Vote Up!

    I also want that xMattyDx is unbanned because he is an old Player and a good Friend of me.

    He helped me a lot with commands and stuff like this when i was new on EC.


    #21738 Score: 0



    #22920 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Btw, Matty payed me the 125k through a friend. That shows he hounours his debts and is committed to the server and may count as something.

    #23118 Score: 0

    2 pts

    y were you banned?

    #23123 Score: 0


    Vote Up everyone deserves a second chance dont they like if it wasnt his fault then give him another chance

    #23230 Score: 0


    Vote up! I don’t why this ban appeal is still going. I know he blew his last chance, but that was his friend messing around.

    #27574 Score: 0


    It’s been a while, and I kinda miss him. I hope you guys will be able to unban him. I know he really cares about this server. Vote up!

    #27577 Score: 0


    3 months later…Is he still banned? This topic hasn’t been closed so…Mods please try and make a decision. I say vote up, he’s a great guy with a great personality. Hope chu get unbanned.

    #27578 Score: 0


    He is a good player, very nice! Unban him, every one deserves a second chance. 😛

    #27581 Score: 0


    Unban Matty. He’s a great person. It’s been 3 months. He should learn his lesson by now.

    #27584 Score: 0


    I dont know Matty bout i want to because he sounds like a great guy and i bet he is so vote up


    #27602 Score: 0


    Thanks everyone for voting me up after it has been 3 months, I really want to play again, I have matured up and definitely won’t leave friends on my account. xD

    #27742 Score: 0


    It’s time to unban Matty! He’s a great guy who made a mistake and got banned. People make mistakes, and they deserve another chance. This applies to Matty too. Additionally, 3 months has been quite a long time for him, so I hope he can be back already.

    #27744 Score: 0

    1 pt

    – This might be taken into consideration, since it seems like you have changed, and you have a lot of votes up. I just want to say that when you used to be on EC, you had an aggressive and disrespectful personality, and that is what mainly got you banned. You wouldn’t have got perma banned if you didn’t have a bad history. If we ever do unban you, you should be careful. If we see that you haven’t changed and you still have an aggressive personality, you will be banned, and we will stress on you personally.

    – Other than that I just want to say that I vote up. Matty seems like he has changed, hopefully all this time he was banned he learned his lesson.

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