

Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Xray?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ReconStrikeDelta 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #42799 Score: 0


    When I did /wild to head to an area to gather supplies I had 2 plans in mind:

    Plan A) Lumberjack
    Plan B) Mining

    Since when I tped…and I got to a jungle at the start of night, I decided instead to mine. So I did my usual mining down in a spiral staircase randomly routine. When I reached a near bedrock cave I came around to the coords of:
    x: -342
    y: 30
    z: 546
    And I found a spawner already looted. I thought someone had been here but looking around I found random loop tunnels that have been dug straight down in weird positions from the surface. And I found another tunnel heading into another cave which had another dungeon robbed nearly of its supplies. I would like to ask a moderator to come check this since I am unsure whether this is an xray attempt or not. Also this cannot be me because 1 I am not stupid enough to report myself….as any sane person would do and 2 the only traces of me taking blocks would be some minerals from other caves and a couple blocks near the xray tunnels to check and get screenshots.

    (If the screenshots didn’t get much of it then please dispatch a moderator to that location to check)


    #42801 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Thanks for reporting. You could’ve checked who placed and break the blocks by right clicking with a wooden pickaxe which you can receive from /lb tool

    #42802 Score: 0


    Shoot I forgot about that, thanks for the headsup, however I don’t want any false claims as well since I am only a natural user on the server.

    #42818 Score: 0


    Most of the time these xray tunnles are very old. Usually the players who made these are either inactive or banned.

    #42819 Score: 0


    In /wild xav

    #42839 Score: 0


    Dont worry they are probably banned or tempa banned so yeah. I am so impressed of waveware. He is not what I thought he would be. I guess I am wrong, he is matured and he takes this kind of matter seriously. A round of applause please #claping time. Sorry if I was rude waveware i know i was rude please forgive if i was crossing the line. Btw ill play minecraft next week due to my exam preparations. Wish me luck :)

    #42840 Score: 0


    Thing is the /wild world was recently just updated, so there could be a chance that the xrayer is still out there. However I could be wrong. Better safe than sorry. That is why I presented this report.

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