XrayReport (AsiongGangs)


Home Forums Prison Reports XrayReport (AsiongGangs)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #105168 Score: 0


    Your In-Game Name: El_Reptar
    Who breaks the rule: AsiongGangs
    Date of offense: YESterady 29 / and Today 30 / caught
    Reason of reporting: Xraying
    Game/Server: Prison
    More Details about his/her offense: I saw him yesterday i try to capture a video but my computer was too lag for it using bandicam so i prefer to screenshot now , I have a screenshot on his moves yesterday was really caught , and for me that was my opinion He is too obvious to me that he uses ,
    Evidence: http://imgur.com/GxRxiWY
    I may not even have the good evidence but im pretty sure that he is using hacks

    I just want to reduce players who uses hacks , and I admit uses hacks before but now I didn’t use anymore cause I know it is bad for using it
    and the server is too nice to use hacks ,

    #105173 Score: 0


    Sorry but that doesn’t proof anything, post a video and maybe try to use Optifine mod cause that boost you’re FPS, which may make you able to record and report the rule-breaker.

    PS: Optifine Mod is allowed!

    #105195 Score: 0


    Bandicam sucks.. I suggest you using Fraps to record. :)

    That screenshot is only showing his in-game name (IGN)

    #116929 Score: 0



    How was SGDQ 2015? Hyped for ADGQ 2016?

    #117200 Score: 0


    No Proof

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