xTheLoneWolfx and I Discovered a glitch.


Home Forums Survival General discussion xTheLoneWolfx and I Discovered a glitch.

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 11 years ago.

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  • #60232 Score: 0


    Ok so there’s an iron farm in HappyTown that I’ve been looking after and using for a while ever since it’s been made. Trollson recently added some modifications to it and added a hopper system. Well the chests into dirt glitch got the best of this farm and the collection chest got turned into dirt. There is only 1 hopper leading to the chest so I put down a double chest and did /chopper on on the side it connected to. It said access denied so I tried again on the other side and it worked and the chest is connected to the hopper system. Lone told me it was a glitch so I told him I’d report it. By the way we know it collected the items because when he broke the chest the iron collected inside the chest and fell on the ground when he broke the chest.

    #60234 Score: 0


    You should report to Admin about this! I will check your iron farm,,,:D

    #60235 Score: 0



    #60237 Score: 0


    ./mail send bongo the cords for the chest.

    #60238 Score: 0

    16 pts

    “Houston, we got a glitch in here.”

    For reals now, did you lose anything in that chest glitch Kevin? Cause they can refund that. Also I think that glitch is a block update or a chunk glitch, or it can be you just doing a typo. So basically the hopper might have glitched and the server might have thought “Hey, that’s not a hopper :D”, and might have denied access because you can turn chopper on, on dirt.

    #60246 Score: 0


    Currently looking into it thank you for your report!

    #60250 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Though this glitch does not advantage people, next time, report it to a Mod in-game or by Skype. I think people should be used to this so that if the glitch that they found was advantaging people, we will have time to fix it before many people knows.

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