xX_BadAss_Xx "can someone do /ci"


Home Forums Survival General discussion xX_BadAss_Xx "can someone do /ci"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Toblerone007 12 years ago.

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  • #15856 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    I was running around EternalCity, and all of a sudden I saw xX_BadAss_Xx say something like “can someone do /ci”, then he said “itll give you free diamonds” after that, I think that emreboy did it, I’m not too sure though.

    http://imageshack.us/f/201/screenshot20130227at135.png/ Is the link

    #15868 Score: 0


    Ive seen many ppl do that and it annoys me. Just thinking about newbies who dont know what /ci is and they do it :\

    #15875 Score: 0


    Thanks for reporting this, this is called ‘Tricking’ and is not tolerated here. He’ll be dealt with appropriately. Again, Thank you for reporting these sorts of things.


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