xZero_Strike Gift : Own7ge :))


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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  15spike 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #88994 Score: 0


    Well .. Well.. Look at that its xNubz_Strike b-day :pp .. Jking … My buddy you are one of my best friends on EC .. You have helped me a lot a lot.. I don’t know how I will ever thank you.. :))) … <333 … I hope you read this till the end.. You are a great person that has a lot of capabilities. You are really respectful, lovely, helpful, and everything that is positive. There is nothing negative :) … Lets take a minute to remember how we met ……………………………………. Well simple I don’t rmmbr :pp … hhhh you are sticking with me on this project to help me no matter what the problem is with me :0 … So as my gift to you will be because I dont play CR .. Or SV… It will be a rankup in Prion today :)) .. PLus complete L armour … I dont know how to thank you …. Also I hope we finish this project together and no matter what stands in our way :)) … I wish you a wonderful CHristmas .. and a Wonderful B-Day you are The xZero_Strike :))) …Thank you for reading man I appreciate all waht your doing this is too much from you .. So I would do anything for you … :)) I was trying to buy u donor .. But I coudlnt really sorry :(( .. If I can I promise I will Buddy :)))

    #88996 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Thank You, sincerely, for your kind words.

    I will finish the project with you. “No man is left behind” (Quote…)
    And you are one cool person, that I’m glad I can call a friend.

    I wish you a merry christmas and a happy newyear too :)


    #88998 Score: 0


    gg Own, and happy birthday once again Zero! :p

    #89003 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Damn, what a great present. o_o
    Well, happy birthday Zero, hope you had/have a great day, and hope you enjoy yourself.
    Own is such a great friend. o:

    #89004 Score: 0


    Happy birthday xZero :))

    This reminds me my bday which is on 8 January which means in like 2 WEEKS 😀

    #89005 Score: 0

    7 pts

    According to my fact, Birthdays are not to celebrate us being born, it’s to celebrate our mother sacrificing for our existance.

    #89008 Score: 0


    Actually, birthdays are celebrated because you managed to live that long!
    Because in the olden times, people died a lot due to disease etc, so their birthdays weren’t celebrated until they were 10+ , so basically, it is celebrated because you managed to stay alive 😛

    #89013 Score: 0

    Uhh, kind of. In the very old days of the Irish celts, the Saxons, the Picts, the Kievan Rus, and other pagan peoples and tribes, people used to believe in the after-life. They celebrated birthdays because they mark a year off the soul’s time on Earth. When the person dies, his soul is reborn in another realm full of pleasures, such as game, treasures, and women. Later on, the person dies in the after-life world, and is reborn here in this world. So this world is kind of an after-after-life. And so on.

    #89022 Score: 0


    very interesting Richard! gg m8

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