Yayaya's Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Yayaya's Ban Appeal

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86364 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: Yayaya
    When were you banned:hmm dec 3 i think?
    Why were you banned: xray
    Who banned you: idk :/
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: yeah i know im wrong that i used xray but that is a long time ago… i stopped using xray like a months ago coz i will become assistant of treetopia(i dont want to be a shame)then this morning, when i wake up , my nephew go beside me with teary eyes, then he said sorry that my minecraft was banned!i was in great shock. he told me that he want me to help to collect diamonds(which is very wrong that he used xray and its also my fault)and i ask him how many times he did it .. he said two(i dont know when is his first time). And now im begging for a deep apology because its my responsibilty on my account and i let them use it.. please forgive me (and my nephew?)and make the proper judgement may be applied to me..Ill accept any consequences regarding from what i do. Tnx have a good day

    #86379 Score: 0

    Don’t let kids in your account or any other people. They might ban you on another servers using your account.

    #86382 Score: 0


    I vote up. I think he’s actually being sincere… I think he should be unbanned.

    VOTE UP!

    #86400 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Yeah, I banned your account for X-ray, and thank you for not lying saying that you didn’t do it.
    Since you admitted that it’s your fault, I’ll reduce your current ban to a 24hour temp-ban, so you can reflect upon what you did wrong, but you can at least come back when those 24 hours are up.
    If you do it again, however, you won’t get unbanned so easily.

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