Yet another syth22 moderator application


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Yet another syth22 moderator application

This topic contains 62 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #88029 Score: 0


    Due to popular request from the members of Deleterious, I’ve decided to give this faction mod app another shot

    Ingame Name: syth22, 360BREADSCOPE, ProQuad1

    Experiences: I would like to say that my experience with factions has grown majorly since the last moderator application, learning the new and updated commands, and as I’ve stated before, have been with Minecraft it self since Beta. When factions opened up I didn’t think much, until kuby22 showed me the light of factions, since then I’ve made my fair share of rivalries and friendships, as well as governing multiple factions.

    How often are you Online? Weekdays: 4pm-8pm (We have exams this week) Weekends: About 12PM to anywhere from 5-6pm

    Why should we pick you as mod? Now this is where I would like you to sit down and hear me out. Some of you may have little to NO reason for voting up, I understand that, and took that into a great deal of consideration, but I want to say that all I’m asking for a is a chance. I know every single command a Trial Moderator should know and even have a few writing down to study. My social skills are great, according to a few people, I can keep a level and robust attitude when it comes to situations and problems that require more or less a mature, subtle person. At least take into consideration that I’ve been trying my best lately to project an attitude of a moderator, but with a few minorities and setbacks. Now I’m aware that you don’t have to be a mod to report, and let me tell you I’ve heard that from too many people, but I dream higher than that, I want to be an official staff member for EternalCraft. I may be harsh at times and I’m sorry, but know that there isn’t a single person that I dislike or wish to avoid on this server at all, no matter how aggressive or ignorant said person is. EternalCraft, at least take me into consideration, don’t simply vote down due to a previous rumble with me, but actually sit there and think for a second “What if syth22 got a chance and became a moderator” and if that leaves a positive impact on your thoughts, vote up, but if it leaves a negative one, vote down. If you have read it down to here thank you for being patient and listening to what I have to say. This is your pal syth22, submitting this post.

    #88030 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up 8/10:
    +Good mod app
    +knows what he/she’s doing
    +Active ingame
    +Active on forums.

    -Do try to improve your attittude tough, however I believe that this will become better and better over time.


    #88031 Score: 0


    Vote Down
    -Not active enough,sees you online for like 30 mins maximum during weekends
    -Bad attitude
    -Like to always create fights

    You are not ready to be Mod from my opinion

    #88032 Score: 0


    @TrevishX I appreciate the honesty, Trev

    #88034 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Vote Middle

    -Not active enough in-game and in-forums ( I understand about your exams but I think my vote will change depends on your behaviour )
    -Good Mod application
    -Not so good attitude

    #88035 Score: 0

    1 pt


    -Bad attitude
    -Like to always create fights

    Same thing

    -Not active enough,sees you online for like 30 mins maximum during weekends

    She is active.

    #88036 Score: 0


    Your opinions won’t change my vote xZero_Strike C:

    #88039 Score: 0

    41 pts

    You seem to have changed, from last when I’d seen you on Surv.
    You’ve grown rather mature, and respectable.
    However you do still have your moments of immaturity; But honestly, a lot of the mods do, occasionally at least. ;P
    This is one of the better Mod Apps that I’ve seen, in quite some time.
    As has been said, you should definitely work on your attitude, even if only a bit.

    I’m going to vote up, so good luck.

    #88048 Score: 0

    Vote up

    reasons by mega 😀

    #88052 Score: 0


    @megaSeth020 @Lautaks much appreciated, thank you.

    #88053 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Your attitude needs some fixing

    #88054 Score: 0


    @Wither I agree, thank you for the honesty. If you need any questions answered you know my skype

    #88056 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well look what we have here…..
    Vote down that’s for sure..
    -Inactive on the forums
    -Inactive in game
    -Always be rude to players
    -Your attitude is very bad
    -You even said to me a few days ago ” tavon leave no one wants you here”
    -What kinda of player wants to hear that? I sure don’t.

    #88057 Score: 0


    @tavon1924 Honesty appreciated as always, tavon.

    #88058 Score: 0


    Also according to everyone I’m inactive? I would like to ask all of you to take into consideration that maybe you live in a different timezone than I, because I am on a good deal of time, both on the forums and factions. So please, before voting consider time zones, thank you!

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