You NEED to PERM BAN Shade
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This topic contains 23 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by dantheracer 11 years, 9 months ago.
Let me just get this out of the way before I start, just hear me out!
I’m not at all saying Shade is a hacker. I am just proving that enough is enough!
Shade has annoyed many players. Including me. Even donors have had enough. Once again, I’m not saying Shade is a hacker.
Here’s what happened to me; I was heading west to possibly settle a town. 1 day passed before I was killed by Shade. I always build a cobblestone wall small enough I can only jump up. The second night I did the same thing I always do, build the cobblestone structure. It was complete silence. Then, out of nowhere, I hear footsteps sounding like walking. I thought it was a creeper so I shrugged it off. 3 footsteps before Shade kills me through a wall! I could have lagged but I had F3 open, showing i had a good FPS, around 50 or 60. Shade NEEDS to stop doing this! I know that’s the point of PVP but Shade kills so many people it’s like spam on death messages! Some of us could have had things that cost hours to get. Somehow he must have teleported, but how without my permission? He could have used the map and ender pearls, but I didn’t see the effects or hear it.
Once again, I’m not saying he hacks, but there is a strong chance. Enough is enough.
I just got done playing and someone said they can’t see him on dynamic map put he’s on the player list. He could be hacking…. ( not saying he is)
I agree look at my topic too
So is Shade the full username??
ButterNinga8, I have seen your topic, and yes valksoar, that is the full username as far as I know.
Luckily, Shade hasn’t killed me… yet. Just like him, I’m not saying that Shade is a hacker, but he should REALLY be banned.
PS: Sorry if this is in italics, I’m on PS3…
well we all know that shade is hacking. but devenlg, you were going to leave my town?
In any case, i do think shade should be banned.
It is not a hack, Hes not hacking so do not waste time. Shade is skills. SKills also used to keep killing people thru dyn map
I’m not shade, your explanation is like saying, anyone who kills people while using dynamic maps is Shade.
O.o u are not shade? i was told u were shade O.o well his explanation still doesnt show shade uses hacks. No evidence either. He has an equal chance of having hacks same as everyone 😀 i guess
I think I know how did Shade teleported to you.
There is a sign at spawn that teleports you a random place, so Shade was lucky to teleport to you. It happens to me too! I was teleported in a cave with diamonds!
Well to clear all of this stuff:SHADE IS HACKING
I didnt see him on my own tp to a player BUT all these player reports r suspicious enough to check his acc
And these players reported havent lied on forum at the past so they speak the truth 99% sure about this
And tony stop trying to find an explanation
We need an army to kill Shade.
If 20 players were killed by him and he was unharmed, he is hacking.
Yes, he might have used the sign, but he killed me through a wall. Could be hacking.
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