You NEED to PERM BAN Shade


Home Forums Survival General discussion You NEED to PERM BAN Shade

This topic contains 23 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  dantheracer 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23140 Score: 0


    He one hit me too, and I had enchanted armor.

    #23141 Score: 0

    2 pts

    If you all wanna fight him let me know ingame and we will MAKE an army. xD

    #23143 Score: 0



    #23146 Score: 0


    Guys, here’s a tip. If you want to escape anyone who may uses dynamic map to kill those in the wild, you could have simply done ./dym hide or something like that. The command may be wrong. Just to let you know.
    Shade may or may not be hacking but there is a high possibility. I mean who hits through a wall? I’m just amazed that how Shade could made so many people mad that they want to start an army. Perhaps, moderators should take a close security on him. Set a player as a bait, while he’s chopping trees of anything, just make sure that it is in a scenario that only if he hacks, it is possible. The answer will be yes or no. If he hacks, then say farewell to him, if no, we just have to deal with it. Moderators aren’t allowed to ban people for no reason. But then again, when the complaints keep coming in, the solution is to ban him.
    For now, I’m on neither sides, I’ve never has experiences with shade. But after listening to your testimony, shade is somewhat a potential hacker. Go ahead with your army if you want. I would suggest that anyone in the wilderness use the command for your safety.
    I repeat: the command may be wrong

    #23147 Score: 0

    2 pts

    The command zevguns is /dynmap hide

    #23149 Score: 0


    I will start an army, starting today.

    But, maybe at this very moment, Shade is watching this topic…

    #23449 Score: 0


    Xavier, I didn’t say I was going to leave. Plus I need more money to make a town. I’m just thinking about making a town. I need a place to live anyways so your town is perfect.

    #23491 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Shade’s not so bad, in fact today he was very helpful, I was watching him on the Dynamic Map and noticed him walking around the wilderness, just before he ported to spawn I noticed a fallen town just near where he was, so I checked out that fallen town and sure enough there I found a large melon farm and a town spawn with iron/gold blocks, made quite a nice haul, 20 stacks of pistons and tonnes of redstone repeaters and redstone plus many more items, I wouldn’t of found that town if not for Shade.

    So thanks Shade for making me a lot of money today 😀

    #23492 Score: 0


    I think shade is hacking, he couldn’t have killed someone with enchanted diamond armor even with a god diamond sword with one hit.

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