Zevguns – A moderator application.


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Zevguns – A moderator application.

This topic contains 19 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #67193 Score: 0


    Hello everybody of the forums. My name is Zevguns and after my holidays, I have decided to try to earn a spot of trial moderator on the new Prison server. I really enjoy it and thinks it needs a lot more assistance than just the current mods alone.
    Here is my application.

    In-game names used: Zevguns, SheepShape, Aleutianfox

    Experience: I was a global moderator on the 4 servers of EC since August last year. I quit in March so now I am no longer part of the EC mod team. I have been on more than 5 different prison servers before and managed to be free in all of them.

    How often are you online: I am online for 5-6 hours on weekdays and 7-8 on weekends.

    Why do I want to become mod: Xavier, Trollson and Skills are all great head moderators. However, there are still issues on the server and they are usually busy fixing it. Therefore, if I become a trial mod, I hope to assist the current moderators in their job to keeping the server safe from people who break the rules. Due to the increasing number of people disrespecting and using unfair mods, I believe the authority of a mod can stop them more easily than a normal member.
    I am welcoming , trustworthy and likes to help people out as much as I can. You will see me trying to help somebody even when I’m mining. I like to joke around. But when it comes to duties, I treat moderating seriously. I will do my best to help the head moderators as much as I can and try to push harder to be a higher-ranked mod. I will always use my commands to try to make the server a more fun experience for all players.

    I would like all of you to non-biasly write down what you think of me. Criticism is welcomed and vote downs will be taken into consideration from me.

    Thanks for reading!

    #67199 Score: 0


    #67200 Score: 0


    Vote up.
    It’s been a while since i voted up.
    -Awesome mod application clearly stating the reasons. You are an experienced mod and you have been pretty active as well.

    Good luck!

    #67201 Score: 0


    Vote up!
    -Active on forums (as always),
    -Active ingame,
    -Great personality,
    -Is objective in his views(most of the time anyway).

    P.S Toni you need to post a reason why you vote up, not just a gif lol.

    #67202 Score: 0


    Vote Up
    -Great mod app
    -Very experienced
    -Active and helpful both in forums and ingame

    #67203 Score: 0


    Vote up.

    Active on forums and ingame.

    Great mod app.


    #67206 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Vote ALL the way up!!!
    Great person
    So trustworthy
    Much reliable
    Amaze Mod App
    So experience


    But seriously, pretty much ever since I knew zevguns, he was a great guy, he was such a nice person, and really inviting.
    Him and I had some great times in Hunger Games back in the day, and this has no relevance, but it was so much fun.

    Good luck, and Stop – Hammertime

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  megaseth.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  megaseth. Reason: I have no clue how to use a .gif ;-;
    #67215 Score: 0


    VOTTTTE UPPPPPP IN DA SKYYY !! Just look up (in the mod app)

    #67220 Score: 0


    Vote up

    #67221 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Welp, post a reason for these votes. 😛

    Even if I have a small little objection, but only to the mod app itself, though, I vote up.
    Experienced in moderating.
    -I didn’t see Zev more than 1-2 times in Prison, diff timezones. However, since Dark’s one is the same as/nearly the same as Zev’s, + the other votes: Active, I guess?
    -Is there real need to state “helpful“? 😛

    I wouldn’t finish putting on reasons. So yeah, time for that famous objection?
    About the last paragraph, reasons section. “I will do my best to help..” to “fun experience for all players”. <– Were those 2 sentences really needed? Or just making look the mod app bigger? 😉 Says that you want to help higher ranked mods, being promoted by this way, and that you won’t abuse yer perms. Excuse and correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s what I purely name “using big pointless sentences to make the whole thing look bigger and add a little ‘Wow, how’s that’ in the mind of anyone willing to vote“, isn’t it? 😛

    ~Details’ Digger (hah) {DD}

    #67222 Score: 0


    That is my biggest vote up i ever gave .
    Dis guy is awesome !!
    Knows all the commands
    Has been admin in both cr and mg as well as mod in sv
    He moted me >:3 ( ok lol not a reason )
    Very active ingame and in forums
    Amazing mod app

    #67224 Score: 0


    Vote Up
    – active on forums
    – active on server
    -i think he has excellent potental

    #67225 Score: 0


    Vote Up
    -WOO HOO Best Moderator App I have seen in a while
    -Active onServer
    -Active on Forums
    -Good English

    #67251 Score: 0


    Thanks for all your support, everyone.
    However, it’ll be much appreciated if you can give a reason instead of just “vote up”.
    If you’re voting down, just add a reason why you disagree with me.

    Many thanks,

    #67254 Score: 0


    Vote up!

    Just kidding, alright going to the topic! I have seen you help so many times in the pass when you were a mod! And you already have the experience to become one! So good job and keep up the good work zevy! haha 😛

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