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  • in reply to: Checking #142592 Score: 1

    20 pts

    It’s wild to think that when I joined this server, I was 10 years old, and 12 when it closed. I’m 21 now and almost done with my Electrical Engineering degree and preparing to enter the real world. It may have only been a 2-3 year run in the grand scheme of things, but this community was so special to me at a time when I had trouble making friends in real life. I don’t know how many people will read this but I hope you are all well.

    in reply to: Brooo #142403 Score: 0

    20 pts

    /kill Tony412

    in reply to: Join the discord now or you are not epico #141663 Score: 0

    20 pts

    nu, neva!!!

    in reply to: It’s been a while #141490 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Ah, I remember you and Green. (I’m AnderZENZ). It’s kinda crazy, most of my friends from EC are all through college, in their mid-twenties, and living life, but I was so young back then that I’m still only 16 lol. EC was my freaking life in 2014-2015, and it’s crazy because I wasn’t even part of EC in its hayday. I joined on the tail end of the glory days in 2014, when I would literally sit in the lobby for a half hour spamming the sign waiting for a spot to open lol. It’s crazy that this June 8th will mark 6 years since I joined EC… Alas, those days are lost to the echoes of time, and all my friends as well. I’ll probably never again speak to SevenFootMonst3r, Sydhead, Dicedead, ChillzKillz99, RiverRunner600, jjpirate, takoballball (Ah yes, my sworn enemy across all servers ;)), Breezayy, and many more I’m forgetting. But the memories of EC are something I’ll forever cherish. It’s a shame it had to end, but it was great while it lasted :)

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by  AnderZENZ.
    in reply to: Thoughts on online communities #141114 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’ve essentially cut all ties with online communities at this point to be quite honest. I was never much of a gamer (Minecraft was the only game I spent significant time on aside from perhaps World of Warships or EU4), and the headaches that the toxic communities could sometimes cause were just not worth it. I think, at this point, I won’t ever really get back into any sort of online community, aside from making my bi-monthly appearance here of course. I had joined a super toxic server just before joining EC, where the “moderators” themselves were propagating the toxicity, so when I joined EC, it was a haven for me, especially considering my lack of many true real-life friends at the time. The last real online community I was part of was a clan in World of Warships, and aside from 2-3 toxic people (who eventually left or got kicked out anyhow), that was also a good community. Unfortunately it’s mostly dissolved at this point as well, most members have been absorbed by other clans, and the original clan has also been transferred to new leadership. I doubt I’d know more than one or two people in it now. But aside from that, the widespread online toxicity, which is due in large part to it being on a screen rather than face-to-face, just makes me steer clear of it most of the time. Even on social media, I tend to be more of a “browser” rather than a “poster” simply because I just don’t want any of the bullshit that is involved.

    in reply to: Server revival #140749 Score: 0

    20 pts

    We tried. We failed. Badly.

    We didn’t have reliable funding, and the funding we did get came from… sketchy sources, which resulted in the server borderline being held hostage for a few days.

    Yep, I think it’s better off staying dead lmao. I have a backup of survival on my computer still, maybe eventually I’ll upload it on mediafire if I have the time.

    in reply to: Hello! #140748 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Well, I haven’t been on this site in like… a year now lol

    Hey Zupes 😀

    in reply to: big announcement coming march 1st #140164 Score: 0

    20 pts

    wtf this was almost a literal year ago? where the hell is the time going these days lol

    in reply to: Oi #139996 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Hey Xav do you still have a copy of that world? I’d love to take a peek around.

    in reply to: Oi #139981 Score: 0

    20 pts

    My experience with Minecraft was a lot the same as Seth’s. I got really burned out of the game after playing on Beiji’s server for a while (rip I still havent been able to contact him) and now that’s closed too, sadly, which stinks because I had really started to hone my building skills and lost a lot of stuff. But other than that life’s good, school’s going well, etc. I dont play video games much anymore in general. Recently I’ve been playing modded and building a midwest-inspired town/argiculture scenery type thing. Also 1.13 absolutely murders my computer so rip.

    in reply to: School shootings #139977 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I think the publicity plays a part in it too. Like for real, if there was a serial killer in the 1800s you wouldn’t hear about it outside of like 20 miles away, but now if anything happens the negative story-seeking media immediately jumps on it for that money milking. Then, a mentally unstable person sees that and goes “Hey, if I do that I could go down in history… LETS DO IT”

    Side note btw, I fucking hate the US media. There is no such thing as an unbiased news source. Fuckin On Xanax news, Comedy News Network, etc

    in reply to: School shootings #139961 Score: 0

    20 pts

    There’s a commonality with the school shootings: Either the school has shit security and lets any random person in just because they said “hi, my name is” OR the school resource officer was a pussy (Parkland *cough*) and refused to confront the shooter, OR the kid stole their parents gun (irresponsible gun owner). I personally don’t think we need to take away guns from everyone, because a school shooting is a one in a trillion event. But we should make sure people should get mandatory mental health screenings before buying a gun or even getting a license.

    Oh, and hold gun stores accountable, because this is ridiculous:

    20 pts

    @Dicedead sorry, Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva are next. Then UnicornTourettes, then epicman, and then, uh, Shade.

    in reply to: banned appeal #139097 Score: 0

    20 pts

    can I grind too

    20 pts

    I love how these bots were here and there before EC closed, now AFTER it closes they’re everywhere lol… I remember blocking like 20 of them right when EC closed xD

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