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  • in reply to: People, gotta go! #129409 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Just give a Canadian Bear some Canadian Bacon, and he’ll betray and eat you whole let you stay in his cave :3

    in reply to: Resigning & Leaving EC #129408 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Ohh I see, Wither just thinks Manager = Needing respect. You is wrong, everyone does, maybe you should start respecting everyone else Wither, check yourself first.

    in reply to: Ban Appeal #129360 Score: 0

    20 pts

    This is already your second ban appeal. Stop spamming appeals.

    in reply to: EC survival feedbacks #129359 Score: 0

    20 pts

    TYTaggart, we removed auction because of glitches and because people were abusing it. Example:

    /auc sell dirt 10000000000 100000000000 << Repeating this multiple times creating spam.

    in reply to: EC survival feedbacks #129312 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Funny how I, on many occasions, offered to help with many things, and the response is always “nah we’re good” or “ok” then forgetting it, but then nothing gets done. It just repeats that cycle over and over again. Survival hasn’t done a major “Update” in over a year (Not including survival reset). Then again, ExpertMods can’t be trusted to help with things anymore, since 2 of them decided to abuse their /gmc. Oh yeah, speaking of which, one of my alts, despite me asking several times for it to be set to /GM 0, is still in creative mode!

    And @Seth, the whole of my resignation was mainly because of inactive mods, I didn’t want to sit around any longer without Admins/HeadMods to fix issues. I could have fixed most main things in a day if I had the right perms. If our HeadMods and Admins didn’t go inactive the day they were promoted, we could be adding a lot of new features. But nope, we mess around with tiny bugs all day that could easily be fixed by a good HeadMod.

    Nonetheless, here’s my suggestions for survival:

    -Bring back MA PvP
    -Bring back MA Boss
    -Fix all crackshot items
    -Make new MA classes, bring old ones back
    -Add some sort of “rewards” system, where each day, you get cash, items, etc. Example:
    •Day 1: $750
    •Day 2: IronSword with Sharpness I
    •Day 3: Potion of invisibility
    •Day 4: $1000
    •Day 5: Bow with power 1
    •Day 6: 32 Steak
    •Day 7: Diamond sword w/o enchants
    After the 7th day, the rewards reset. If the survival mods don’t like that, then the rewards stop completely after 7 days.

    -Host more events. Events are fun for players, and I notice that all the hard work I put into events during the survival reset is being wasted. Never seen PvPEvent, Dodgeball, and rarely MobParty

    -Remove kick/mute permissions from all donors

    -Give donors Essentials Vanish, and not VanishNoPacket vanish.

    -Recruit a new generation of TrialMods. I would personally recommend Jwidja, Aaron_Ngo, and TYtaggart.

    -Promote the mods who deserve promotions (Definitely not me), and demote the inactive ones.

    -Add holiday-themed events. Example: for Halloween, there can be pumpkin smashing (Destroy as many pumpkins as you can, an Admin+ places pumpkins in an arena)

    That’s all I have for now.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    in reply to: Resigning & Leaving EC #129303 Score: 0

    20 pts

    It’s all catching up to you now, wither.

    in reply to: Resigning & Leaving EC #129294 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Wither, instead of disrespecting and kicking down trevish, maybe a more professional response is to help him, then if he doesn’t get it, do whatever you want.

    ╚═( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)═╝

    ~Signed Lenny-Piller

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    in reply to: Concerned Citizen #129277 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I remember when you called ander28 an offensive name.

    Good job on the irrelevant reply. I didn’t call it “offensive,” I called it “rude,” because a certain factions TrialMod was harassing me after I told them to stop. Wonder who that was :)

    in reply to: Faction Money Gone #129276 Score: 0

    20 pts

    This constantly happens to me too, I’ll deposit 20k, then I’ll come back a week later, nothing left. And it isn’t land being claimed, either, nothing else changes.

    in reply to: Ban Appeal #129262 Score: 0

    20 pts

    What..? I said that from PRIOR knowledge, if someone says that, they have a lower chance of being unbanned.

    in reply to: Concerned Citizen #129260 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Oh my bad, you have my apologies, taggart.

    in reply to: [SemiVanilla] SneakPeek of the server #129256 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ Wait for trevish’s reply, but I think as long as you give credit, it would be find. Again, wait for trevish’s reply.

    in reply to: Concerned Citizen #129255 Score: 0

    20 pts

    The admins/moderators will take care of the rulebreakers.

    You’re not allowed to say such a thing like or similar to this, TYtaggart.

    And if you don’t have proof iStyle, we won’t do anything. Just report and wait for a moderator.

    in reply to: Ban Appeal #129254 Score: 0

    20 pts

    From prior knowledge (in survival), if you say “I will be unbanned” you have a lower chance of being unbanned, for “assuming” that you will be unbanned.

    in reply to: Advertising #129251 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Image isn’t public, can you make it public?

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