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Also, isn’t /tppos a command that allows you to teleport to co-ordinates? $5,500 per use or not, I highly doubt this is going to be implemented. Here’s why:
So basically, there could be a guy like I used to be, rich, stacked on swords, armor, and potions, and having a big urge to murder people by any means necessary, and terrorize towns.
About /back: This is a donor command, and it also gives people advantages, such as: Someone could die at /warp phil because they fell off, and if they reacted quick enough, they could easily get back and collect most, if not all, of their stuff. You might say “Ander, donors can do this too ._.” The only difference is that the donors pay real money to get it, whereas others just have to sit at an xp farm for 5 minutes. It would also make the donors feel like they’re donating for nothing, which, sadly, most of the donors only donate for the perks, and not just for the real purpose.
And finally, about /fix: No matter how much it costs, this command is extremely OP. We don’t even allow this command for most donor ranks, only Emerald, and there’s a 24-hour cool down on it. Again, it’s just taking a high-rank donor command and making it available to everyone who has enough money.
Finally I made a post without autocorrect messing it up..
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
Jerome, please don’t post irrelevant things on this topic, please post it in off-topic
Tavon, Guayaquil is a TrialMod on creative, he’s not banned hehe
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
I don’t get how having a serious attitude is being “rude”
Vishu, “you do realize” was bad wording, what I was trying to say was:
“By the way, Dynamic Map takes up a lot of space.”
Sorry for the confusion, have a nice day
Siver, your comment isn’t needed here. This is a report, not the place nor the time.
Since there’s no proof of who it was, I’ll forward it to the high-ranking mods to review. Thanks for reporting.
@Oreo It’s not my job to fix this kind of thing, I’m only Expert.. That’s why I said I would ask the other mods why it’s gone .-.
You do realize that the dynamic map takes up a lot of server file space, right? However, since we reset survival, there’s a lot of free space, so I really don’t know why it’s removed, I’ll ask the other mods about it.
#BlameAnder :-)
August 24, 2015 at 10:53 pm in reply to: So you guys need proof im premuim i have a skin to prove it #119349 Score: 0Why did the shirt change from red to gray? ._.
I thought it was removed? Anyways, reported to higher ranks yet again.
“Well ander why dont you share it with us so we dont have to spam our topics?” Sure thing Siver 😀 here’s a step-by-step to edit your topics:
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This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by