Forum Replies Created
Cya soon, you fabulous Polar Bear ^_^
A blank screen? I expected… More broken ears ;D
Em, please no kill, but:
Sarry, it had to be done the moment I saw my things fine :L
*cough* I had so many valuables in that enderchest *cough*
Why do my replies keep getting duplicated..
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
^ Me too :L (Not a big deal if I don’t get them)
Duplicated reply, ignore this.
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
What range? We never set a scheduled date, it was all speculation and estimates. We’re still working on the server, hold you horses plz :3
It just reset like 1 1/2 months ago, I doubt they’re gonna reset any time soon lol. Most EC servers never reset, survival is resetting because after 3 years, there’s junk everywhere. Factions is a more intended-to-reset gametype, since stuff gets messed up quickly. Also, the land around is intended to be messy, it’s a war zone. Also Max, if refunds aren’t given, that’s not nice D:
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
AnderZENZ. Reason: C:
I went a week without Internet 2 weeks ago, #BoyScoutCampingFTW
Yeah, the fact that minigames down is really annoying. Based on what the minigames mods have said, there’s a glitch that keeps crashing it, but other than that, it’s a total mystery.
As for more hg kits, there are more kits, but for donors. But, more member kits, for a price, sounds like a good idea to me.
Melee, not exactly. We have no idea when it will reset.
Giving someone a huge HeadStart isn’t fair to the old player, who worked hard for their rank ups, instead of getting to G from voting.
Siver, just stop..
You shouldn’t “test” hacks in the server. If you used hacks regardless, it’s a ban.
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by