Forum Replies Created
i didnt know about bump back then i dont think it was there. remember it was 10 months ago
ok i lost but i hate that u said Find a server where no one cares about duping and hacking, you’ll fit right in there, make it your home. i dont hack and theres like no server where u cant dupe and i wont dupe. that was kind of mean u hurt my feelings. i know i lost. well EC good bye it was a tough battle but i lost i tried but i couldnt GG EC. :'(
im still trying hoping to get unbanned but no it seems im not but im still gonna try not by making another one but keep this until it closes its been so long! my odds are very low and if i lose
but its the one server i really liked and i hope it goes good. but idk duping? i cant do it i wont do it i wont cheat. nothing just play thats i made this appeal. im not gonna dupe again or cheat thats just a waste of my time doing this appeal. im doing this appeal to play with no cheats no nothing just to play in a server and have fun.i know the odds of me getting unbanned is terrible right now but i think i can still be unbanned. if i dont then idk. just that i wanna come back plz.
10 months ago
i wont dupe again i dont know how. i wont cheat i wont do anything bad. I JUST WANNA PLAY!im seriously sorry but if i say it people would say Thats whaat they all say,everyone say that and dont mean it. but seriuosly im sorry. i am sorry for my actions but everyone thinks ima be bad when i join or oing to dupe again or cheat. Im not gonna cheat im not gonna dupe i just want to play seriously. put yur self in my shoes. i really miss this server and i want to come back and play. plz give me chance.
now it is
first duping wasnt against the rules and secound i made a new one because people started bitching about not doing the format. also everyone knew about it back then. a lot of people did it even skills and hes a mod now. it was a long time ago cant u just leave in the past? theres no way i can cheat or anything. all i want is to play on the server and have fun with my friends plz cmon.
the sign was in front of shop when i got there. i dont quite remember but it was like bear something? or koala something? thats the guys name something like that
i would tell people to vote up so i can get unbanned…. also if there wasnt a rule for the duping glitch i dont think the server would of had a problem. also there was a shop of that which made me think MORE that it was ok. i did not know.I just wanna come back a play. Its been a really long time since i played. give me a chance plz
also TheHighOreo how long have you been in the server? cause the duping thing was months ago.
also the other one thebutcherr wasnt me like i said before. even TheButcher said it was him and vsub391 also asked him and he said he was mocking me.
i made a new ban appeal because i didnt follow the template on the other one because i didnt know there was a template. so i made this one with the template. i crossed rule that wasnt even there back then like 5 months ago. And also i didnt vote myself up like that, i didnt do it to count it as a vote i said vote up to people to put vote up. do u know wat i mean? like i said vote up not for me for the people reading to vote up for me. idk if u get it but it wasnt to make it count but i said to tell people to vote up for me. sorry for the confusion
lol its not a butter squid its pikachu :3 ill change it. also i got premium account, thats y i made a ban appeal i would never use a cracked account,idk why but dosnet feel right. i could simply get a cracked account and play EC but i want play on Assassin_King_ its my premium account, i payed for it. and y would i pay for a account if im just gonna get a new cracked one right? plz give me a chance i wanna play sooo badly
thats wat im saying! but i made a new appeal to satisfy skipper. about th template thing because he said he will try and get me unbanned
also Skipper7478 it seems that your totally against me i dont know why. it seems that u dont want me to get unbanned i dont know. but u should try to put yurself in my shoes. also about the template i did not know there was a template i havent been here in a long time sorry.