Forum Replies Created
why would i hide it? how can i hide it. im saying y i got banned:for duplicating. also everyone is thinking that im gonna try to glitch again or hack or do something bad im not. i was never warned about duping i just got banned. i didnt think it was a big deal since in one of the shops (i dont remember witch one, it was like 5 months ago) it said hold shift and right click to the potions and u can get stacked potions. so then i thought it wasnt a problem because it was in a shop. last of all the truth im in the middle of what i did. i didnt think it was wrong but i didnt think it was completely right.
im a spanish speaker and i also kinda dont like people when they speak spanish because its kinda annyoing even if i do speak spanish. i likes it better when people speaked only english its easier for everyone that way.
I dont know if this is advertising but check out My channel AssassinKing123, i can do vids on this server. i only got a few subs but i can be better. give me a chance i wanna play on the server
OMG FUKEN TheButcher. Do I have like no chances on winning the ban appeal? can i do a new one? the butcher jepordise my appeal. i just wanna come back im not begging or saying sorry i just want to go back to the server and play. thats it. like seriously on ban appeals everyone says oooo u dont mean this, you dont mean that. But i do mean it i want to come back to the server and play Thats It!
i did not do a forum alt account. im telling you i think TheButcher was trolling me or something i didnt make an alt forum account
actually i didnt make a Alt account i think thats just a person trolling. because y would i make an appeal for Assassin_King_ if i supposedly have an account called TheButcher. I DID NOT DO ALT ACCOUNT. also i was ip banned so i cant make alt accounts. I DID NOT MAKE ALT I SWEAR. Check. because if i was TheButcher y would i make an ban appeal i would just play in TheButcher. duh. since im ip banned i cant make an alt or play in EC. And TheButcher is a random player that did that Not Me.
so is a mod going to check my ban appeal? plz unban me i want to play. this ban appeal was here for like 3 days
can an admin or mod come to see my ban appeal and decide if im going to still be banned or unban because i really wanna come to the server and play
now i want to play since 1.7 is about to come out to eternal cracked. pleasei want to come back to this server. vote up
yea thats what happened to me i got banned for stacked potions and armor a long time ago. i just want to come back to the server and play with my friends.
it buys all of them not one
whyare you guys saying vote down? i dont have to say sorry, some people say sorry but they dont mean it. the truth the thing i did wasnt really unfair i just bought stacked armor. i never got warned or anything. also it was at least 5 months ago,and why im doing this ban appeal is so i can play with friends.i hope you guys understand and not vote down and accept my ban appeal.
also sorry for not using the template i didnt know i havent been here in months 😛
you do know gunsmith told nhu to come and see u fly pvp. right? u knew that right? or u dont have yur facts straight again?
lol u lie you knew i was against the rules