Forum Replies Created
u do know that mrshtuffs got unbanned right? get yur facts straight hes unbanned.
he hates cause hes in his period so that means he hates everyone. and correction gunsmith did not dup i did, he got banned cause of suspicion cause i shared chest with him ith the dup stuff. and also skills i heard u rat me out y did u tell shaman i dup i thought we were cool. wither hates gunsmith cause gunsmith was the one who caught wither fly pvping so thats y he hates gunsmith so hes against him.
i said u have a period cause i was making fun of u cause i know yur a boy and making u sound like a girl lol yur dumb
also im already banned so yea and i already admited so get yur facts straight. have u ever heard this saying dont say anything bad if u dont know?
dont think so so stop shouting dam dude r u in yur period?
r u a mod?
skills i thought i told u not to teach ppl how to dup?
any one else think its good?
i think its great vote up. but it should be stone pick stone axe and leather armor from mobs and such
damn every one getting banned my the duplication stuff.
dude u dont have 1stack or half a stack or 16 stacked pots u used like 10 stacks on me and gunsmith. how are u gonna kill me full proIV with only 16 pots? and i had regeneration on? dont lie.
u guys should giv them at least like 3k so they can buy some materials for there start of the server. for all the new players that join.
Skills is kinda right about you guys are banning lots of people that play a lot like gunsmith me and skills and others like gunsmith donated twice to help the server but now u guys lost him for something i did. Like the people that dup and hg glitch r the people that have been here a long time but now since ban them theres new players but how are u gonna start from a pick one bread and 10 torches? and if u get invited to a town nothing really matters cause all u do there is live there then the new players get bored so they hg glitch and dup and xray. u guys should do that warning stuff. and if they dont hg glitch or dup or xray or whatever they r still bored then they will leave the server.
i was never warned about duping personaly.
i agree with u with everything. espescialy like the one were it says that the mods need to giv ppl warnings NO ONE EVER TOLD ME NOT TO DUP and i got ban the first time i did it they didnt even giv me a chance or warning.