Forum Replies Created
Whoever The F*** Said i duped gold and diamond and exp bottles are soo stupid i cant even beleive cause how do i dup those?
also the only thing i duped was armor and swords i cant dup diamonds dumba**
Also skills u stacked up 64 picks for yur self and ask me to buy one from u and also u told me u said “Guess who has 64 god picks!!” he has duped too so ban him too not only me. Gunsmith didnt even dup i just shared the stuff with him cause hes my friend. i was the guy who duped not him…. i admit it was me for like the 3rd time. cause he told me he got banned for duping but he didnt. soo y did u ban him i just shared the stuff with him. thats all i got to say for now.
how am i doing so far pig or Nhu?
i enchanted 1 by 1 by going to ma….
I admit i did something wrong but the truth i thought it was ok cause of chu Nhu.
soo wat happened to attatla is he banned?
y should i? if im right
WITHER WTF u said “I don’t trust GunSmith, pvp fly and etc A LOT OF THINGS” thats only one thing -_- wat are all the rest u said he did A LOT OF THINGS tell me! u said pvp fly etc. WTF are the other etc.? What Did He do to u? only pvp fly? thats All u got STFU!
i like the lift the rest we dont need really. vote up
You yurself Nhu practicaly said it was ok cause u said it dosent make a difference but it does its not fair.
Wat happened to attala then?
wats the difference still stacked. also stacks potions is super OP cause u can kill a guy full decked out like me he killed me. i had proIV he killed me in like 5 seconds.
I really dont think thats really duping cause you still have to buy allllll those armor and swords it dosent count as one. for example if sword cost 1$ and theres 50 in stock and i buy them stacked i pay 50$ not 1$. duping is like have one sword and do a glitch that makes them 3. all in all i think its a glitch not duping.
Hey Pigs What About attala he dups r u gonna ban him in my thread ppl say he does. plus i admit i did duplicate but Nhu practicaly said it was ok cause when i told him attala has stacked potions Nhu said it dosent really make a difference so thats when i started duping. Its not my fault that i listen to a mod
i think he had to go or something in the middle of a hg game then when he came back on its considering hg glitching.
What did he do to u and yur friends plz tell me