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Aww best of luck man. Hope you come back soon; I’ll miss you.
Fixed, sorry for inconvenience.
I banned the player once for anti-knockback hacks, saying to appeal on the forums. Yet instead, he/she decided to join with an alt that had practically the same name as the banned account. There is no pardon for bypassing bans. Sorry.
This is not a “test” server. We are a real server with active staff, and we do not tolerate hacks for any reason. If you hack again, you will not receive an opportunity to appeal your ban. So do not hack.
Unbanned for first offense.
;-; so sad, I will miss you! Best of luck on your life and being a doctor. That’s an awesome and worthy goal.
May the Forke be with you <3
Hooray 😀
It’s not your fault. You made a simple ban appeal, and things escalated because of commenters. I don’t think it’s entirely anyone’s fault, but it’s definitely not yours. Gl m8 <3
Zero, the factions mods are just trying to do their job. I agree that Own is innocent, but being rude is not the right thing to do. Just argue logically and hope for the best.
In response to Max:
1. You’re right, Own certainly could have used a decoy computer. But anyone can do this, and this would lead to the invalidation of all ban appeals that use proof of innocence – you can always think of a way to get around sharing your files. As I said earlier, mods are trusted players and I believe this should be a factor in judgement.2. This was extremely disrespectful, but the rules of prison are as follows: Respect all players, especially staffs.
Consequences if you disobey:
Warning (3 times).
20 minutes Mute.
5 hours Mute.
1 day Mute.
Permanent Mute.
1 day TempBan from Prison.
Permanent ban from Prison.So Own would not receive a ban in prison, merely a warning. And while I don’t endorse Own’s behavior, his extreme anger may imply his innocence (in every situation I’ve in countered with false accusations, the accused because very angry whereas rightfully accused people get defensive, not angry).
3. This is a very good point. I have nothing to argue here, assuming that it is solid evidence that cannot be debated with (unlike the statements on this forum, no offense).
4. You used the word “distract,” but I don’t think this was Own’s intention. Own stated his first offense in order to try to gen unbanned more easily; you can’t deny that if this was his second or third offense it would bias you even more strongly against him because of lack of trust. Own then talked about his X-Ray hacks. This shows that he is not breaking rules, since members might think it’s OK to use x-Ray if they see a mod who has it. Wither DID comment on these x-ray hacks on the first page of the thread, saying that it was a hack, but you seem to not believe they are relevant.
As you can see from this post and my previous posts, I am not “blinded” by Own’s good moderating in prison or his events; my arguements rest in solid logic. Being swayed by a player’s events is extremely unprofessional, and it is against the Penguin Way. However, Own’s good moderating in prison is a bonus towards him, as it shows his maturity, reliability, and trustworthiness (as I stated earlier).
Love from the Penguins! <3
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
Beijimon. Reason: Typo
I think your points are fair, but the penguin does have some counterpoints
In response to your first point, I have never heard that rule and while that doesn’t mean it’s not a rule, under the factions server rules it says, “Any sort Hack Clients, Advantaging Mods, and Custom Clients are NOT ALLOWED.” This is a bit ambiguous because it does not state whether the hacks are banned in game, or on the computer. If Own, like me, had never heard that rule, he should not be punished for breaking a rule he didn’t know existed and couldn’t have easily found out existed (the only way would be to ask another mod, “Are there any rules I didn’t get told?” which isn’t a question one normally thinks to ask).
In response to your second point, I agree that Own’s case is special because he is a moderator. However, being a moderator shows trust from the staff, and shows that the player is considered responsible and trustworthy (since they can ban, kick, etc). The trustworthiness and loyalty to EC that Own has shown should not be forgotten or counted against him, and while I understand your position and agree that a mod hacking should have greater consequences, you should not forget Own’s record of great moderating in EC.
Finally, it would be hard to alter the files without changing the “date modified” tag, but if you don’t find the proof valid that isn’t a reason to deny the appeal. Perhaps Own DID show all his files, even if it does seem suspicious, and I believe that after hearing what Wither and Deasert said, Own should upload a more complete video showing his library folder and all files in there for a more complete proof.
So obviously I think Own is innocent, but not just because I know him as a good, loyal, and trustworthy person, but also because these qualities are shown by his moderating, because his proof doesn’t rule out his innocence, and because the rule he broke was ambiguously listed on the website and not told to all moderators.
Whew, that was insanely long 😀
As always, love to you all from the Penguins! <3
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
Beijimon. Reason: Typo
Lol…but also, as a general message to this entire thread (I am NOT pointing fingers), don’t be rude to Wither about this. You might think he was wrong, but he’s just trying to do his job as a mod and keep the server safe from hackers. So just keep that in mind when you reply to the thread…
Love to you all from the Penguin Community! <3
Ok…so I promised myself I wouldn’t get involved in this but now I think I should.
You banned Own for Triggerbot hacks, which may have been a valid ban at the time but now, since he has proof that he does not have the Triggerbot hack, the ban is no longer valid. The misunderstanding could easily have been caused by client side lag in either you or Own, so it’s not necissarily a mistake on anyone’s part.
Although Own was shown to have X-Ray hacks in his files, you have no evidence of him using these hacks in game. I believe the saying, “Innocent until proven guilty” would apply here since you have not evidence at all that Own used X-Ray. That being said, if you DO get any evidence of that, you would be able to instantly and confidently ban him since you know for sure he has those hacks.
Just my 2 cents, I know the final decision rests with the Factions mods.
Good luck Own 😛
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
Beijimon. Reason: Grammar error
Best of luck on your exams m8!
I think I could rek anyone on that list…assuming I had the 100k damage Penguin Blade c:
Aww Chillz thanks for including me <3. You’re an awesome person and I’ll miss ya; good luck with college and everything and I’ll look forward to your return (if you don’t come back I’ll find you and hire a polar bear to eat you). ;-;
Hey there, sorry about the delay but there’s no need to bump 3 minutes after a previous response XD.
You didn’t show any substantial footage of anyone other than ElRodriPRO, who has been dealt with. I will leave this topic open in case you have evidence against the other three players, but for now they have not been punished.
Thanks for reporting!
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by