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  • in reply to: who do you look up to? #91428 Score: 0


    I look up to the ceiling.

    And myself.

    (Because you got to have confidence in yourself you know? ;D)

    in reply to: Listen guys -_- #67703 Score: 0


    We know that there are a lot of people who want to know what the plugins are that ec uses because they’re curious or they want it for their own personal private server to experiment around with or play with. Trust me, I was also curious when i first came on ec. The problem is that there are now so many servers that are similar to ec or have copied ec that we cannot just trust anyone with the plugins list anymore. I personally don’t think you’re stealing/copying EC, but its a matter of better safe than sorry.

    in reply to: H4rdJ3ass's TrialMod Application #67587 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    – Today, when no mods were on I saw you swear like crazy
    – There are times when i see you have been disrespectful
    – Aside from today, I never see you on

    in reply to: Trial Mod Application PRISON :) #67166 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    I’m sorry, but you have proven yourself to be quite immature :/
    – You do not keep a coolhead when you’re provoked and instead you just rage out
    – You swear at other players (you swore at me today as well)
    – The role of a mod isn’t to rank other players up, its to help keep the server and safe and friendly place
    – Your attitude is your biggest downfall basically, being aggressive instead of being neutral about it, swearing and raging etc.


    Vote Down

    – Basically its what MSN said
    – But also, I’ve noticed that you have been quite disrespectful to people and to mods

    in reply to: Outrageous Wither Spawn Time! #65902 Score: 0


    Guys read what FieryAnubis said. It doesnt spaw n automatically, guardian+ mods have to spawn it themselves BUT they can only spawn it after 24 hours have past (in that time zone) so if it means that the last wither spawn was at 3:02, they can only spawn it after 15:02, ya get me?

    in reply to: VICTORY #65400 Score: 0


    Got up to 8192 Bam

    in reply to: I Don't really know what to call my topics. #65233 Score: 0


    I know this has been said by everyone but heck I might as well say it. You ahve a temper issue. If that was the only thing holding you back from becoming mod then that would be good. BUT the thing that really irks me is not that you have a temper issue, but that you seem to think that ‘because im 9’ is a legitimate reason to wipe away your mistakes. Im going to be honest here, so sorry if I sound harsh. We do not really take into consideration the fact that you are 9. You make mistakes. everyone does. One of the things that seperares people from one another when gping dor mod is that they can own up to their mistakes and improve on it. Also, your first rule contradicts what you are saying. You want people to give their honest opinion, but you dont want them saying negative things. Thats really another test of your maturity. You have to be prepared for the fact that people will criticise you. Its a fact of life. Also, what delta said about the max nimber of mod apps. Dont be discouraged though, if you work towards improving yoirself one day it may happen! But sorry, at the moment I just dont think youre ready

    in reply to: Ban Appeal #65231 Score: 0


    Dont spam the forums with ban appeals. Your first one was denied already, simply because you were caught hacking and as soon as you were unbanned you hacked again. You obviously didnt learn your lesson the first time, so how can we trust that you wouldnt hack this time?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  bleh. Reason: made a boo boo
    in reply to: Luminance Liar (Kinda of scam) #64768 Score: 0


    Nicky do not spam the forums. We can see your topic and we are investigating it. If you need to say something put it in one post

    in reply to: 1.8 IS COMING #64378 Score: 0


    No need to make 2 topics about it. We will definately update to 1.8 but I’m not sure about the ‘big updates’

    in reply to: What music do you guys listen to? #63730 Score: 0





    Girls Generation


    My Jongup <3

    in reply to: OMG look what i found xD #63729 Score: 0


    Nice house, but is that minimap in the corner there 0.o

    in reply to: The EternalCraft Lucky Spinner Show! #62685 Score: 0



    in reply to: Wtff is wrong with Zslayer #61613 Score: 0


    So after a bit of research i found out roughly what you were saying:

    -‘zafir’ isn’t a translation for seomthing, its a person’s name
    – ‘hisap kote’ does mean that meaning that he was saying it meant
    – not sure what gunsm means but i’m presuming its also a name
    – Put It together and what do you get?

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