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  • in reply to: Resigning from GuardianMod #45603 Score: 0


    From all of EC

    From all of EC, I thought you might like to remember this <33

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  bleh.
    in reply to: The cookie goes bye. #45582 Score: 0



    Like I have said, do well at school and make the asian community proud! 😀 If you don’t I WILL find you and I WILL glare at you but not kill you cause thats illegal 😀

    Best of luck in the real world (:O The real world) and we hope to see you when possible!

    in reply to: Resigning from GuardianMod #45580 Score: 0


    MATT :'( I’ll miss you so so so much!!! I’ll remember you forever and I’m sure we’ll all miss you :(

    Bye and try and visit when you can!! <3

    in reply to: Mod Application #45164 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    You have a terrible attitude, haven’t seen you help (maybe I don’t notice?)

    i want something really special

    Thats not a good reason to be mod. People don’t become mods because of their own desires.

    in reply to: Are There Less People On Ec #44662 Score: 0


    And in Australia its exam time :/

    in reply to: advertiser report #44431 Score: 0


    It’s because the server is so popular they advertise here to gain more people.

    You know, cause the server’s so popular.

    in reply to: xXTotanusXx #42344 Score: 0


    This isn’t a legit reason to ban someone…

    in reply to: MONTASERKANAN luring #41930 Score: 0


    What?! Really? :O

    in reply to: MONTASERKANAN luring #41926 Score: 0


    Lol thanks mongus. I didn’t lose anything valuable cause I thought he may be luring so i put my stuff away just in case

    in reply to: Wow mods do this for fun -_- clap clap clap #41752 Score: 0


    Ok, I understand if you at first thought that it was an actual kick, but the mods have explained it and there is concrete proof
    (*to contribute* Also, if it was an actual kick, the kick message would be on a separate line, not on the same line as he was chatting)

    Whats bad about this topic is that you are disrespecting the mods as well, and although it was a misunderstanding, saying stuff like that can be irreversible. Also, telling maximo what to do isn’t the best idea, because he has a higher rank than you and he knows what he’s doing. It was obviously a joke, sorry if you misunderstood it

    But wow he actually kicked cryptaker for no reason. For fun. By the 1 and only girl Mongus

    You also have thought then that he was legit kicking him for fun, even after the mods explained it to you. Seriously, if your bro keeps using your account, change your password or get an alt for him.

    in reply to: Criticism #41680 Score: 0


    Exactly! Constructive Criticism is the best way for you to improve, and rather get all angry over it and defensive, you should take it as a way to improve, because this is how others see you! People that say ‘If you think this is bad please do not say anything’ or something like that need to learn that in order to improve you need to take criticism. The only problem is that sometimes people don’t know the difference between constructive criticism and the point where it becomes offensive

    in reply to: 173 kills in Mob Arena #41522 Score: 0


    Do you have screens?

    in reply to: i dont know ho banned me #33980 Score: 0


    I just saw your topic in the forums about Mongus scamming.

    He said and I quote ‘because of your lack of proof, you need to wait for a head mod to check chat.’

    You didn’t have any screenshots, so he didn’t have sufficient evidence to give Mongus the scammer tag. Also, he helped you. He didn’t say ‘oh i’m not going to give Mongus the tag because you don’t have proof’, he said ‘you need to wait for a head mod to check chat.’ Hes just saying he can’t do anything at the moment and you neeed to wait for a higher ranking mod.

    Theres no favouritism in this, so don’t take things the wrong way when they don’t go the way you want it to

    in reply to: i dont know ho banned me #33973 Score: 0


    1) Its only 1 day, your making it worse by coming on as different accounts
    2) Use proper spelling please, I can’t make out what some of this is saying :/
    3) Your images aren’t publicly available so you need to check your imgur settings
    4) If you want to do a ban appeal, use the proper template please :/

    in reply to: Skills641: I'm resigning #33607 Score: 0


    We’ll miss you all Skills! You were one of the great mods who was always there and helping others and giving more than 120% into this server.

    I understand that its time to visit life outside the server and we wish you good luck and all the best!!

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