Forum Replies Created
If you would have checked the forums abit more you would have seen there is a post where you can report the coords of the chests that have changed. Anyways if you just post them here they will be fixed asap.
Will be talked over, when there is news you will find it here.
It would be abit strange to block them from joining any events and such. Like said above it’s not like they joined the server and got lots of money. They have putt work and effort into it and thats why they got that amount of money they have now.
So because you have a ”brick” pc we should change our events ? And whats the reason of payment change, either they win for example 30 k or a godpick thats worth 30 k.
Hello there EC members.
As most of you know Easter is coming up next month in April. I would like to start a contest of who can make the best Easter build. This is ofcourse up to you and your imagination.Rules:
-This is only for the survival server.
-You can send in your contest info untill: 18-04-2014.
-You can only enter once.
-You have putt in the info thats needed.Template (example):
(You dont have to follow the exact same thing aslong as the info asked below is in it.Name:
Picture(s): (optional)
Video: (optional)Prizelist:
1. $1.000.000,- (Irondonor rank if there enough sign ups)
2. $500.000,-
3. $250.000,-
4. $125.000,-
5. $62500,-(This prizelist may go up depending on the players that will enter the contest.)
19 days left !
We never had and never will force pvplogging at the pvp hill. Simply as its the wild. People just made it into the ”pvp hill”. Besides that there other ways to teleport away. So to clear things up no there is no such thing as pvp logging at the pvphill. You can only pvp log at /warp pvp which will kill you if you do.
A name would be very usefull hehe.
There is no such thing as ”to many”
Like MaxminoS said its:
1 member = 9 plots (Which is still alot)
As if you think about it 9/10 members in a town own 1 or maybe 2 plots.
Besides that the world got expanded due the fact we where running out of space and that small towns could take in alot of space. For example a town with 10 members could claim up to 160 plots.Iron* Sigh for the edit button not working.
If there will be enough entries the first prize also might contain a silver donor rank for a month.
You must do it in the survival server yes.
25 days left.
For some reason this msg didnt show up untill today. Will be fixed thanks for reporting.