The Ban Hammer has Spoken?? I’m not pretty sure if the Console did that because when the Console will ban you just like /ban (name) it will comes to the reason ” The Ban Hammer has Spoken ” so I don’t know if you will be unbanned but if this is your first Ban you’ll have another chance…
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by ChambaWamba1.
If you want to get unbanned so please give back the account and the things that you stole and also the money and be sure of your Promises that you wont do that again..
this is me RY4J I am the Real Owner of ChambaWamba1 he just want to get my cool items that’s why he wants to let my password reseted.. so please… don’t reset the real password of my account…
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by ChambaWamba1.