Forum Replies Created
I added a video, go check it out!
Thanks for the votes, by the way.– Chibichuba
/warp dshop is back, for all the donors. Everything is half-priced there.
Talk to born on Skype, and he will reset your password for you.
The server is being white-listed for maintenance, please be patient.
Its another plugin problem, the server will be offline until more of the head mods can deal with the issue.
Please wait a bit, the server is having issues with the Register plugin.
Update: The server has been fixed! Everything is back to normal, feel free to join.
Happy Crafting,
ChibichubaDon’t worry, i’ll try and get born to roll back anything that happened.
Edit: I have no approximate time for when the plugins/server will be fixed. It depends on if the server will auto-restart, or when any head mods will come online.
This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by
The server is currently online, but the plugins have gone haywire. Towny has been put in Safe mode, and the server needs another restart. It is recommended nothing important is done, because the server will most likely be rolled back.
No, the host is another company. They must fix the host issue themselves, while a head moderator can manage the server restarts to make sure it goes back up without any issues.
Its not because of the 1.3 update, its a host connection error.
The arrows are limited so that people don’t spam the arrows. Its part of the challenge.
I personally agree with an enchanted bow though.
You will have to wait for the town mayor or assistant to re-add you to the town to take your items; unfortunately. That’s about the only thing you can do.
– Chibichuba
It was a bug abuse grief, and I banned each participating player for 48 hours. If they do it again, it will be a perm ban.
There are different units of XP, as 7 XP is required for one level. Seventeen XP is required for 2 levels, and so on. Its just how Minecraft works, notice when you deposit levels, the sign displays a much larger number than the levels you have. For example, if you have 2 levels in the bank, it displays 111 for some odd reason; most likely with the unit conversion. It is mainly the system Minecraft uses messing up with the plugin, I think the plugin developer must fix it.
For more info on Experience, you can go here:
This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by