Forum Replies Created
But what about perks for donations?
Sure you’re “donating”, but you’re also getting something back, but the fact that Born is calling it “donating” might give the server some leeway from the EULA, which is going to be enforced in 6 days (August 1, 2014).
I really don’t think being able to buy in-game items is a good idea, since it creates a pay-to-win situation and a class system between the people that pay for ranks and the people that don’t.
Hopefully, Mojang’ll skip over our little part of the Minecraft community and pass the ranks as donor gifts.
Mod team will select candidates, so assuming the mod team is neutral, candidates should also be quality people. But, this would mean that only people close to the mod/admin team would be selected.
I think the 4 election-cycles thing is unnessecary. However, a term of one or two month term as “Player Representative” might be more reasonable, and a limit of three terms to make sure the representative reflects the needs of the players.
How about a Primary election, where people can vote on who gets to be in the pool of potential candidates?
Yes it is.
I don’t have the original file anymore, but the design has been improved upon by better, more compact designs, or at least it was the last time I was on the server. I built a test prototype in my plot somewhere. The farm (this one and the prototype) required manual collection, favoring compactness over automation.
Could be a plugin/software glitch. Born might not be able to fix it immediately (unless a patch is out?)
Because the whole point is to show off the ride?
But in actuality, the potential for lag is too high. Go with the World Downloader mod if you want to try it out.
Probably a typo.
does it really matter? It’s wilderness.
Map download?
Most likely caused by people lagging, as Chib said.
Or her right.
I would be careful downloading any launchers, as they may contain viruses.
I think Minecraft Open Launcher is pretty safe though.
(Direct link for that ad.fly link:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=56807406789371436706&t=5680740678937143670649411)What, updating a luncher?
Unless you spread the mob grinder out over the view distance instead of making it higher.
I laughed a lot when I saw this on bestofyoutube.com
Any exact numbers? I’m planning on starting a multilayered mob farm under Azn’s house.