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  • danielxing

    Yes it does. It means you’re brothers on this thread too!

    in reply to: How to Effectively Communicate with a Moderator #11461 Score: 0


    Now, this is all good and all, but isn’t this mostly common sense? Don’t tell me people actually need someone to tell them they can’t do something that everyone should already know not to do?

    in reply to: Change the rules #10155 Score: 0


    Either that, make griefing and PvP banned outright (which is going to be hell to enforce), or stop jailing people for griefing near towns (unless its blatantly obnoxious). PvP should be allowed anywhere, even right outside a town.

    in reply to: Requesting .schematic file #8189 Score: 0


    Thanks for the tip.

    in reply to: tekkit #7088 Score: 0


    Ok, since you didn’t provide any details on how it crashed, i’m just going to give you the “fix all” solution. First, go into the technic folder. It’s called “techniclauncher” and is in the same folder as the .minecraft folder (i’m assuming you use a PC). Inside this folder, open the “tekkit” folder. Delete everything EXCEPT the “saves” folder (if you have worlds you want to keep), the texturepacks folder (if you have texturepacks), the servers.dat file, and, if you have waypoints, the “rei_minimap” folder (located in the “mods” folder). Reopen tekkit, and it’ll re-download everything. This should work, and if it doesn’t, then there is something wrong with your system, which could range from issues with Java to how much RAM its allocating. If you’re still crashing, go to the Technic Forums.

    in reply to: New Plugin I found!!! #6271 Score: 0


    You know, Lawrence was right though. Why criticize a correct answer? Better right than wrong. Not all of the mods are right all the time anyway.

    in reply to: Banned For Xraying iI thought It Was aAllowed #6044 Score: 0


    Although, sometimes the mods don’t behave well. Maybe not the guardians and up, but the experts don’t necessarily help people all the time. I think some of them only became a expert just so they could turn people their way, for their own personal gain, or so they could be immune from the rules (or at least partially). The experts should be normal players thst help other players. Don;t we have guardians that are supposed to “guard” the server?  Besides, people can get things wrong, even if they’re experts. If you don’t like what I say, then say you don’t! The players should have more freedoms.

    in reply to: EC Staff Request #6041 Score: 0


    Can you say that again, but with commas and periods?


    Not sure what you’re saying….

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  danielxing.
    in reply to: Eternalcracked is so popular! But… #6040 Score: 0


    There’s so many people on now… Every time I try to say something it gets pushed off by a massive wall of text, and it isn’t as friendly as beforel. I liked the old Whocraft better, and the server should go back to its roots. Something you can do right now would be to make the world border further out.

    in reply to: Auth me Help please Emergency #5667 Score: 0


    erm… your password is password?

    ask a mod for help.

    in reply to: The XP Bank Is Acting Like A Complete D**k. #3287 Score: 0


    What is he then?

    in reply to: Petition for Chibichuba for HEAD MOD #2552 Score: 0


    I vote.
    He has been a great help and asset to the server and i think he can do great as head mod.

    in reply to: Grief Log #1822 Score: 0


    If griefing a town is prohibited, why not punish repeat griefers? Players could report griefs in a ticketing system with proof from screenshots and logblock. Although I argue griefing should be completely prohibited from the server, things like this should be limited, and i criticize the lack of action against these attacks. Griefers simply view things like this as “bigger game” and while I do not blame the moderators and admins for mistakes like this, I would like to see a change to how griefers are dealt with. The current punishment system for griefing is almost nonexistent, and any punishment dealt out is like a slap to the wrist. The current system must change, or i’m afraid the players on the server will be start leaving. I have already seen one player leave because of griefing and pvp. Also, posting this is not a good idea, as its just simply a way for the griefers to see that the work they do is actually paying off. Besides, I’ve seen worse happen to that place. If anything, I do not want to see this server go down, as I have seen this happen so many times, and I have also seen this threat dealt with. I really do not want to see this server lose it’s reputation.

    Thanks for your Consideration

    in reply to: iKiLLAHZ Ban Appeal [2] -PLEASE READ- #1756 Score: 0


    I agree with chris
    If he griefs, we rollback and ban.
    If he spams, we ban
    If he acts up, we ban.
    No harm done.

    in reply to: Ban Appeal #949 Score: 0


    Still banned. Cannot login. I don’t want to waste my donor status, so please hurry and fix the problem.

    • This reply was modified 13 years ago by  danielxing.
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