Forum Replies Created
I love how the first guy ran away cause he knew he couldn’t win xD
Anyways this guy should be punished, thanks for putting it in a video format rather than only a few pictures (Even though videos are fast moving pictures).Awesome dude, but poor Foivios666. xD
A video of this would probably give us more detail of the facts we need.
Its great, It would probably be better with F8 on though : P
Kevin, just like me! 😀
You didn’t need to make another topic about the same thing, instead you could have edited the other topic.
Never mind I understand why (because the last one was in the wrong server section). I think you should delete the last topic and switch the name of this one to take out the “(Revised)” part.
- This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by lol.
Welcome to EC, I have a feeling your going to be a well known person on this server!
DarkarDeltaMX…Totally not a copy of my username. :/
Cya Kevin, never met you as much in game but I know your someone to remember.
It’s sad, but sometimes, moving on with the rest of your life starts with a goodbye.
Farewell Kevin, remember that goodbye doesn’t mean forever.-DarkDelta
Well vsub its the same thing if that specific person is meaning to say the word, just because * is placed doesn’t mean he wasn’t trying to say that specific word.
GrassFey I don’t think so I mean this isn’t the first time, I’ve seen him lure before.
January 24, 2014 at 2:26 pm in reply to: i made a trailer about eternal cracked vote about it :D #57807 Score: 0Well to be honest all it is screenshots that move with music. Plus, you never know the mods could change some of them could leave. Nhu left and no one expected her to leave so you never know.
I never thought this day would come. You were probably the most active and most logical person I’ve met. I understand your situation with school. I wish you my luck! Hopefully we see you soon!
PS. Keep being the Math Nerd I know you are. : P
It’s sad, but sometimes, moving on with the rest of your life starts with a goodbye.
Farewell Justin, remember that goodbye doesn’t mean forever.
Please, like I said post it on youtube.
Cya dude, hope you balance your time!