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  • in reply to: Prison Moderator Application ~ Yaseen20 #96645 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Vote up!
    -Experienced from MG
    -Active in PR (Yas is always there when I connect on Prison)
    -Knows the stuff
    -Undeniably helpful
    -Any other reason you want (example: has a Y in the name πŸ˜› )

    But, the grammar on the mod app isn’t 100% perfect (tho yes everybody can easily understand Yas – it’s better in-game πŸ˜› )

    Good luck πŸ˜€

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: LOOOOL #96321 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Slim Shady has spoken. πŸ˜‰

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: A suggestion for creative #96192 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I suggested a week ago (for MG, CR and FC mainly, and not on the forums) a solution for this; in short, players, when they join the first time, are directly redirected to the Lang chat, to get out of it, there’s a command written in a book or something.

    It’s not discrimination, if it was only for me I wouldn’t do what I’ve just said above, but that way we bring more English-speaking players, and still have the flow of players from other nationalities (CR is turning good atm tho) :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: Polar bears drinking Coke? ‘Murica has really taken over the planet.. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Mg idea. #95959 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It is planned, since a long time ago, to add an economy system to MG (I think MG headmods are working on this?), and I believe it will be added soon (unless Aidan’s PC goes wrong or.. You know πŸ˜› ) so you will buy things like an extra arrow in oitc, some HG or skyblock stuff.. πŸ˜‰

    For the ranks system, vote up, but not too much tho.. Also, it would be nice with custom rank names like “newborn”, “member”, “MGaddict”, “MGexpert”, etc. :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: This is stupid. #95748 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Just wanted to point out something: even if it’s still on “beta testing” mode, people who get annoyed by all those probs are much less likely to come back. 😐

    Bringing in “EC will fall” because one server isn’t so good; it’s still pretty early πŸ˜‰ I believe we’ll get a nice little boost with the MMORPG server, coming out soon. Seems like the kitpvp server is just a little distraction πŸ˜›

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: skyblock iron farm #95657 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Nope, I don’t think so 😐 To get iron, you have to complete one of the Skyblock challenges, not sure which (one of the beginner/starter challenges, /c to get the list, /c [name of the challenge] for the info -rewards and how to complete, and /c complete [name of the challenge] to.. Well you know πŸ˜› )
    Btw, I have never seen so far an island with villagers, but if there’s a challenge to get villager eggs, it’s more for the quite advanced skyblock players :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Another Report #95344 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Lol Ander, yes πŸ˜› (This was a bump too.. #multipurpose)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Thoughts? #95343 Score: 0

    3 pts

    You play drums and build good, nuff said. πŸ˜›

    19/20 (you get 20/20 if you switch to Sonor :C )

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Another Report #95245 Score: 0

    3 pts

    There you go, the same pic on imgur πŸ˜‰


    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    3 pts

    To answer your question, Pro, we’re only 9 mods in MG, and some of us are more developers than mods there, also, 5 of us are mods on other EC servers; but all this and we’re still pretty active there. However, no matter for how long each of us is online everyday, we can’t be 24/7. πŸ˜›

    We’re 100% aware of the bad stuff happening when we’re not online, but as tavon said, we’re not robots nor machines.. We catch a big lot of them hackers everyday, but more and more come. Same thing for people swearing..

    You know, EC isn’t one of these huge premium servers with 8k+ players and super-no-glitch plugins to automatically mute some bad guy, or respond to a precise question. 😐 Tho we try our best, as humans, to solve any prob (note we’re not paid, and it’s not that fun some days to be a mod.. Really not).

    This is where you can help us. Ye, you, the one reading this (lol wut?) πŸ˜› When you see someone disrespecting or hacking, take a picture, then upload it to imgur.com or xomf.com for example and give the link to us (by the forums, skype, anything; even /mail send (name) in-game, the list of mods is in /warp mods). Then, if you want to get rid of the.. bad person, do /banvote (name) and tell people to do /banvote yes, so he/she will be tempbanned for some time. Finally, when we check your report, we ban permanently.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: You need to be at least 4 for banvote tho, one who starts the vote, the 3 others vote yes (and of course don’t abuse it πŸ˜‰ )

    in reply to: /warp ranks #94852 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Vote up :) Will be added in Creative if other servers make it too (we have a place in /warp how, just need to make the signs) πŸ˜€

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: It's Gone??! #94851 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Jj, to deny everyone, you need to deny the star thing, aka asterisk: * <– this. :) So do /p deny * πŸ˜‰

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Selling a world edit token #94849 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Syth, Wave, please. This topic is serious, it has a goal, and objective. Don’t go hating Ander, spamming this topic, then when he does a new one ‘ow man yo spamming’. You perfectly know Ander cannot ignore hate, and, it’s enough now (it was already enough a long time ago).

    Wave, you’re a mod. You’re supposedly ‘cool-headed’ and stuff, you have to show the best face of the server. I don’t mean you have to always be like “ye I love everyone on EC :D”, and you can even express how you dislike someone, with one condition: you must tell him/her how to improve himself/herself, not just “I hate you”.

    Syth.. I don’t know what to say; like I’ve made some other replies like this one, and I’m really tired now. Please, stop that. Why is it so funny for you to unnerve someone who cannot ‘stay neutral under agressions’? Yes, you can post anything you want on topics; yes, you have free speech. However, just to be polite, or any adjective you want, stop it. Sometimes, we think about blocking you of the forums, and not necessarily blocking Ander too. I don’t hate you, I really don’t hate anyone, understand that, but I really dislike how you treat Ander. The argument on this topic had no point at all.

    Show the best of the amazing, loving EC community.

    I’ll not respond to messages from you here, contact me on skype (you have added me, both of you). Note that, by Wave and Syth, I’m not only talking to “Wave and Syth”, of course.. I won’t name other names here (tho I have a list), and anyway if you know yourself, that’s already a good improvement.

    Ander, I only ask one little thing from you, you probably know it: control yourself, just ignore all the hate around your name. I know, it’s not a simple thing to do for some people, but if you do it, I’m sure Syth will calm down (if she continues after you make that.. #block πŸ˜› ). Also, stop making topics about your life, it just brings more hate.. I know you feel it’s wrong that I defend you, but I cannot stay like that not doing anything when there’s really too much hate on someone (I said, “too much”). Mail me in-game if you have any concern (google+ is too messy, lol).

    @_jjpirate_ Lol, you wrote this reply while I was making this, above.. You’re 100% right, that was.. Pretty much the point in this reply πŸ˜›

    Now, back to the topic!

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: I need a title! #94750 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hmm, what’s your favorite color/mix of colors? :)

    Some cool mixes:
    Gold + light red
    &c&m|_/&6&lBeast&c&m\_| (don’t put the slash if you can’t) or &c&m|_/&6&lBeast&e&lA&6&lDragon&c&m\_|

    Light blue + darker blue:
    &9&kI&1&oH&9&kI&b&lBeast&9&kI&1&oH&9&kI or &9&kI&1&oH&9&kI&b&lBeast&0&mA&b&lDragon&9&kI&1&oH&9&kI (you can also use &o instead of &l, sometimes italic look better)

    Blue + violet + red:
    &1&oLZ&9&k_&5&l&oB&4&oeast&c&lA&5&l&oD&4&oragon&9&k_&1&oZL (in my opinion, it’s the best of the list. You can also underline the name with &n, so it becomes &1&oLZ&9&k_&5&l&o&nB&4&o&neast&c&l&nA&5&l&o&nD&4&o&nragon&9&k_&1&oZL )

    Answer my question and I come up with new nicks for you :) If you want, I can show you what each looks like in the CR server.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: If you’re on mobile, hold it vertically to see the full nick :)

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Dicedead.
    in reply to: Report on snieman #94633 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Of couse it counts :) If he had written it the.. “real” way, the anti-spam plugin would’ve censored it πŸ˜‰ Going to tell SV mods about this :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

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