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  • in reply to: hack #92242 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^ Both two posts above are true πŸ˜›
    Have you used banvote against him? That way, if you were at least four vs the hacker in the match, one of you does /banvote (name, eenlo) and the others do /banvote yes. He gets tempbanned for at least 15 mins, so you play in peace πŸ˜‰

    Also, what kind of hack was he using? :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Hacker #92218 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Banned jatopan, thanks for reporting πŸ˜€

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Spikes B-day:) : Own7ge #92122 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Mizo, lel, born said it, “forums are meant to be used” πŸ˜‰

    Happy burthday spike :) 3a 2bel el miyyeh! (Hope you get to 100! That’s what it means.. Well, sort of πŸ˜› )

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: BeastADragon's Moderator Application #91974 Score: 0

    3 pts

    3* months, igra πŸ˜›

    I won’t vote, it would be unfair (don’t play FC).

    Slang used in your moderator app (Which indicates you are immature)

    (Mizo) No? The use of slang doesn’t show immaturity, does it?

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: WE NEED NCP IN MINIGAMES #91827 Score: 0

    3 pts

    We don’t have NCP in MG2 and 3 because it conflicts with the double jump and feather (tho maybe it’ll be added in MG2 –> OITC, kitpvp, and the other games except SuperSmash, and colormatch maybe, not sure if it’s in MG2 or 3).
    But anyway, the main function of NCP is preventing the use of fly hacks. People will always be able to use kill aura, anti knockback, etc.
    Also, surely some coders are making new public fly hacks, somewhere in the world. πŸ˜›


    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Question of the day #91826 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It’s a rank for good builders (generally mods) who are.. building something for the server. (It’s temp btw) That’s what I understood of it πŸ˜› Click this –> http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/builder-rank/

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Prison spam : Own7ge #91481 Score: 0

    3 pts

    (Forgot to mention in my edit reason that it was named “Mg spam : own7ge”) Fail, own πŸ˜› Anyway, I’m going to pass this to PR mods.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: Reporting your own bro? Wew, it must feels a bit weird, doesn’t it?

    in reply to: What do you think of me ? #91478 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Worst guy ever.
    Reason: You ate my pasta today |<

    ~Drumming.. Wait no.

    The person who showed me and teached me about Minecraft, who discovered this server and introduced me to it. But you always hated drums and drumming.. 0.5/10 because I’m nice >:(

    ~Drumming D– Still not πŸ˜›

    Well, nothing left to say, Zero and spike talked about everything. One more thing I want to add is his attachment, letter by letter, to the rules, without distinction between people or any sort of thing.
    You would make a great judge! It will be nice to have in our country a judge with some sliced fresh baked potatoes beside him and a lol-face. πŸ˜‰

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Naughty Vuix, advertising is NOT allowed. #91342 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Will be dealt with. Agin, passed to skype. Thanks for reporting πŸ˜‰

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: OK, getting back on track.. Report! :D #91341 Score: 0

    3 pts

    elquecraftea’s got everything :O Fly hacks, fast bow and antiknockback πŸ˜› Fyi, aimbot aims mobs and players automatically. It looks like it was the only hack this guy didn’t have πŸ˜› Or he hided it very well.
    Anyway, can’t go on now, so I transfered it to skype. (will be banned) Thanks for reporting πŸ˜€ I’ll keep this open until someone sees it.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: Wb to the forums :)

    in reply to: MG games, ideas: Own7ge #91340 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Fixed the bold thing for ya πŸ˜›
    1- I am sure everyone would love this, tho it might get boring to always shoot at inanimate things. Maybe we can put some mobs, like, in the highest levels, silverfish and ocelots? Looking for a plugin for it :) (btw, aimbot only aims mobs and players, not blocks)

    2- MA has been suggested countless times, tho always refused because it’s already in SV. I think we can totally redesign it, make it like a little challenge, a bit like /warp rush in PR. Tho, we can’t give armor at each stage, MA cuts you of the others. Nice idea!

    3- (I didn’t help much :o) economy will be (normally) added in MG 3.0 anyways. (for buying stuff to get a small advantage) Using the plugin in PR? Well, MG loses a bit of its concept: it’s called “mini”games, so they’re not supposed to last super long. So I suggest only using the dungeon itself with the spawnpoint/home system :)

    4- lel sure πŸ˜›

    5- They’ll just hate that XD people will think that we treat them like noobs. πŸ˜› Plus, it’s boring…

    6- Looks like the Walls, without the hard time when you gotta mine everything you can before going to battle, and without the ability to build..
    Welp, it’s also like kitpvp but with the crafting. If it was the base of this idea, I don’t think someone will craft “better” than someone else, because, you take the same time to smelt or craft something, don’t you?

    I’ll start building the maze just after I finish (lol didn’t even start till now) the OITC arena, it will not take much time. Waiting for confirmation for the other ideas :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Mg Disrespect:Own7ge #91025 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Tempbanned for 6 hours, given verbal warning. Thanks for reporting πŸ˜€

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: ClassGamer, the advertiser, also banned. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: For Those Who Got Banned for Multi-Accounting #90966 Score: 0

    3 pts

    @AnderZENZ In fact, it’s for everyone who got banned for multi-accounting, on any server, for now at least. (better reduce spam that way, so forums don’t get spammed by ban appeals.)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: kleen98 ban appeal #90932 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Ask kleen to give you some more info. :) You have to follow the template below to get this ban appeal considered:

    Ingame Name(s): (minecraft usernername(s) with right caps)
    When was he banned: (date)
    Why was he banned: (reason for being banned = what does it say)
    Who banned him: (moderator name that banned you – leave blank if unknown )
    Why does he think he should be unbanned: (explain why he should be unbanned)

    Copy what’s in italic above and past it as a reply below, then (as said above) ask kleen for his info to fill the template :)
    Surely SV mods will check his IP again. Anyway, it seems like it’s his first ban, so he got a good chance to be unbanned.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: Server Updates & Suggestions #90886 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Something I suggested not so long ago was to revive the EC or EternalCracked skype chat. Reasons + many more things: http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/relauch-the-ec-skype-chat/ :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    (This topic isn’t only for Survival, is it?)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Dicedead.
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